Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2023 — LT Will Uplift 'Ōpio Voices through New Council [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LT Will Uplift 'Ōpio Voices through New Council


By Amy Gilbert The Queen's beneficiaries are leading I the way forward f during a time of major programmatic and facility growth

at Lili'uokalani Trust. A youth advisory eouneil called "Nā Leo o Kamaka'eha (NLoK)" was formed this summer for 'ōpio to provide input and youth voices in the implementation and design of Lili'uokalani Center, a 97,000-square-foot space for sports, arts, entrepreneurship, and technology scheduled to open in 2025. Kamaka'eha roughly translates to "the smarting of her eyes" and represents the pain often experienced by Hawaiian youth. "We are the voices of our eolleetive eyes, just like the Queens, being sore in a world without influence and wanting to make a change," said Landon Chinen, manager of Youth Leadership. "It pains us, but pushes us to make the best of Hawai'i and nā keiki. Lili'u's still-living leo (voice) is within us as we carry her legacy and our future to pave the way for Hawaiians after us to do the same." The initial cohort includes Ashley Badis, Arien Dezafra, Ke'ala'iliahi

Ford, Pōmai Kauahi-Daniels, Grayson Kostron, and Hema Watson. "We are consultants for Lili'uokalani Trust to assist in providing ideas primarily towards Lili'uokalani Center, whieh will be one the largest Indigenous youth centers in the nation and potentially the world," said Ford. ' Aside from providing feedback on the center, our main objective as a group is youth advocacy and to serve various communities." NLoK will consist of muhiple eohorts of youth working alongside LT teammates to share insights and perspectives while gaining the skills and confidence to make decisions within LT and their communities. While the initial program includes six opio ffom ages 18-22, future eohorts are anticipated to be twice as large and will include youth ages 16-26. The hope for NLoK, along with all LT youth leadership programming, is to bring young people together and provide the tools and platform for them to work collaboratively, serve as leaders at LT and within their eommunities, and help shape the future. ■ Amy Gilbert is a communications and marketing intern at Lili'uokalani Trust. She is excited to be part of an organization that supports thriving Hawaiian children and upholds the legacy of Queen Lili'uokalani.


Nō Leo o Komoko'eho members from left to right: Arien Dezofro, Hemo Wotson, Ashley Bodis, Groyson Kostron, Pōmoi Kouohi-Doniels, ond Ke'alo'iliohi Ford. - Courtesy Photo