Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 8, 1 August 2023 — BURIAL NOTICE: ĀLIA PROJECT KAKA'AKO, O'AHU [ARTICLE]
Notice to interested parties is hereby given that a human tooth was identified by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, ine. during archaeological data recovery for the Ālia project, Kaka'ako, Honolulu Ahupua'a, Honolulu District, O'ahu, TMKs: (1) 2-1-056:002, 007, and 008. Per Hawai'i Revised Statutes §6E-43, Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) §13-300, and the project's data recovery plan, this is considered a previously identified burial site. Based on context, it is over 50 years old and likely Native Hawaiian. The project area is within Land Commission Award (LCA)7713, 'ili ofKa'ākaukukui, to Victoria Kamāmalu, and in the vicinity of LCAs 9549 to Kaholomoku, 1503 to Puaa, and 10463 to Napela. The project proponent is Kobayashi Group: Matthew Pennaz, Chief Operating Ofīicer, 1288 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 201, Honolulu Hawai'i 96814 [Tel: (808) 692-0045]. The project proponent has proposed relocation to the established on-site burial preserve; however, the decision to preserve in plaee or relocate shall be made by the O'ahu Island Burial Council in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) and recognized lineal and/ or cultural descendants, per
HAR 13-300-33. Appropriate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR 13-300-38. All persons having knowledge of the identity or history of these human remains are requested to contact Regina Hilo, SHPD Burial Site Specialist, at 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Room 555, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707 [Tel: (808) 692-8015, Fax: (808) 692-8020, Email: Regina.Hilo@hawaii.gov]. Interested parties shall respond within 30 days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/or provide information to SHPD adequately demonstrating descent from this burial or ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESMENT: WAIKOLOA AHUPUA'A, HAWAI'I ISLAND ASM Afīiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) in eomplianee with a HRS Chapter 343 Environmental Assessment for a 2.5acre property on TMK (3) 6-8-041:020, situated in Waikōloa Ahupua'a, South Kohala District, Island of Hawai'i. We are seeking consultation with community members that might have knowledge of traditional cultural uses of the proposed project area; or who are involved in any ongoing cultural practices that may be occurring on or in the general
vicinity of the subject property, that may be impacted by the proposed project. If you have and ean share any such information please contact Amy Ketner (aketner@asmaffiliates.com); phone (808) 9696066, mailing address ASM Afīiliates 507-A East Lanikaula Street, Hilo, HI 96720. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: WAIAHOLE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT On behalf of KAI Hawaii ine., ASM Afīiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment to inform a HRS, Chapter 343 Enviornmental Assessment being prepared for the Waiāhole Bridge Replacement project . The project includes portions of TMK: (l) 4-8 001: 010, 002:001, 008:018 023, and 009:001 in Waiāhole Ahupua'a, Ko'olaupoko District, Island of O'ahu. The project includes the realignment of Kamehameha Highway and the demolition and replacement of Waiāhole Bridge. ASM is seeking kama'āina familiar with the area's eultural resources, customs, and practices. We also seek input regarding strategies to prevent or mitigate impacts on culturally valued resources or traditional customary practices. If you know of such information, contact Carol Oordt, coordt@asmafīiliates. eom, (808) 439-8089. ■