Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2023 — OHA Trustees Visit Moloka'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Trustees Visit Moloka'i
At its recent Moloka'i community ond boord meetings, 0HA's Board of Trustees poid o visit to the Moloko'i Community Heolth Center. With too few doctors ond o loek of speciolized medicol equipment, occess to quolity medicol core for islond residents hos heeome increosingly difficult. Residents must trovel to O'ahu or Moui for speciolized medicol core. The visit provided an opportunity to talk story with the folks who are trying to meet the health care needs of island residents. Pictured (l-r): Trustees Keoni Souza, Hulu Lindsey ond Brickwood Galuteria, Project Director Terry Radi, Trustee Luana Alapa, lnterim CE0 Shanna Willing, Trustees Kolei Akaka (with her boby Ana) ond Dan Ahuno. - Photo: Lehua ltokazu