Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2023 — Mahalo to OHA NHRLF Board President Mike Tresler [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mahalo to OHA NHRLF Board President Mike Tresler
Mahūlo to Mike Tresler who hos served ūs 0HA's Notive Howoiion Revolving Loon Fund (NHRLF) boord president ond Koua'i lslond director for the post six years. July 25, 2023 wos his lost in-person boord meeting. Some of his mony occomplishments ineluhe the rise in the number of Huo Konu Business loons disbursed stotewide ond providing guidonce for the progrom during and post pondemic. He wos olso integrol in the design and louneh of the Mahi 'Ai Business loon product in Spring 2023. Although Mike's officiol lost doy is not until Sept. 30, 2023, NHRLF stoff ond the Boord of Directors would like to moholo him for his mony yeors of service to NHRLF ond the lōhui. L-R: Loon Processor Robert Crowell, Loon Underwriter Steve Barnes, Loon Officer Loreina Meineeke, O'ahu Director ond Boord Vice President Lione Khim, Kouo'i Director ond Boord President Mike Tresler, Loon Monoger Aikū'ē Kolimo, O'ohu Director Juonito Wolfgromm, Howoi'i Director ond Boord Secretory Kirstin Koholoo, ond Moui Director Wayne Wong. - Photo: Lei Ayat-Verdadero