Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2023 — Hōkūle'a Travels From Alaska to British Columbia [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hōkūle'a Travels From Alaska to British Columbia

Moananuiākea Update

By Puanani Fernandez-Akamine In the early hours of June 19, Hōkūle'a and her crew departed Statter Harbor in Juneau, Alaska, ofhcially beginning her Moananuiākea Voyage, a four-year circumnavigation of the Pacific. The crew was given an epie send-off three days earlier at the University of Alaska with a Global Launeh Ceremony that included Alaska Native and Hawaiian protoeol, prayer, music, dance, an 'awa ceremony and blessing. The 10-hour event was originally planned to take plaee at Auke Bay, but had to be moved indoors due to inclement weather. On hand at the event was Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS) Pwo Navigator Nainoa Thompson who gave the opening remarks. In addition to Indigenous Alaskans and Hawaiians, the launeh ceremony was also attended by Indigenous Pacific partners from Taiwan, Samoa, Micronesia, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and 'Avaiki (Cook Islands). Four Alaska Native hosting organizations presented the crew with an oeean declaration and asked that it be carried on Hōkūle'a during her journey in hopes that others will sign on to the commitment to mālama our oceans. After departing fr om Statter Harbor, it took Hōkūle'a 12 hours to sail to her next stop, Angoon, Alaska. For several days, the crew participated in various educational and cultural engagements. They even joined the Xutsnoowu Kwāan (the Indigenous community in Angoon) for the launeh of its first traditional dugout eanoe in 140 years. The 30-foot-long eanoe was made of red eedar and was a project led by Tlingit master carver and eanoe builder Wayne Price who worked with students from Angoon High School. After leaving Angoon, Hōkūle'a continued sailing south along the coast of southeastern Alaska, blessed

with clear skies and beautiful weather arriving at Keex' (or Kake) on the northwest coast of Kupreanof Island on June 23. The crew also visited other communities in Southeast Alaska. On June 27, Hōkūle'a left the village of Petersburg and sailed through a winding 22-mile ehannel called Wrangell Narrows to get to the community of Wrangell. This was one of the most dangerous legs of the journey thus far, due to powerful currents. After spending about three days in Wrangell, the crew traveled to Ketchikan, staying there from July 1-3. At every stop they have been greeted and hosted by the Native communities, celebrating with food, songs, dances and stories. From Ketchikan, Hōkūle'a travled to Metlakatla (whieh means "salt water passage"). Metlakatla is a settlement of the Tsimshian people and is the only Native reservation in Alaska. Next Hōkūle'a traveled to Hydaburg, her last Alaska

stop, arriving there on July 7. The trip from Metlakatla to Hydaburg was a 90-mile, 10-hour journey. For part of the journey, Hōkūle'a was escorted by a pod of humphaek whales. Joining the crew on the sail were three special guests: Tsimshian artist Kandi McGilton, Tsimshian carver Davie Boxley, and Hydaburg Mayor Tony Christianson who disembarked Hōkūle'a just before arriving in the town so he could lead the arrival ceremony in full regalia. Following their weleome, the crew traveled to the town of Klawoek where they received a warm Tlingit weleome. The next day they went to the organized village of Kasaan, the northernmost village of the Haida people. While there, Tribal President Mike Jones led the crew on a forest hike to Naay I'waans, the only remaining traditional Haida longhouse. Hōkūle'a departed Hydaburg on July 11 and after a 12hour journey favored by good weather, arrived in Haida Gwaii, an archipelago in British Columbia, Canada, at the Haida village of Gaw (Old Masset). On July 14, Hōkūle'a left Haida Gwaii, crossing the ealm seas of Hecate Strait arriving 10 hours later at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, greeted by two traditional canoes. After protocol, the crew was hosted by four different area tribes - the Haida, Tsimshian, Tlingit and Nisga'a. After nearly a week in Prince Rupert, Hōkūle'a departed for a 12-hour sail to Hartley Bay. Over the next few weeks, she will make additional stops in British Columbia, culminating with a stop in Vancouver in early August before heading to Seattle where Hōkūle'a will meet up with sister eanoe Hikianalia. ■ All the information for this article was eompileel from Moananuiākea voyage updates posted by the Polynesian Voyaging Society on their website www.hokulea.cotn/ moananuiakea/.

During Hōkūle'a's stop in Angoon, Alasko, the crew had the priviledge of joining the lndigenous community there for the louneh of its first troditionol dugout eanoe in 140 years. Pictured here ore students from Angoon High School who helped to build the eanoe under the guidance of Tlingit moster corver Woyne Price. - Photo: Rex Lokeni/Polynesion 1 /oyaging Society