Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2023 — OHA Awards Nearly $70,000 in Event Grants [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Awards Nearly $70,000 in Event Grants

L-R: The 2020 Prince Lot Hula Festival (pictured here is Kumu Hula Leimomi Ho ond the doncers of HūIūu Keoli'iko'opunihonuo Ke'eno A'o Hulo) ond the 2022 0'ohu Aloho Festivol are among the community events thot hove received 0HA 'Ahonui Event Gronts,- Courtesy Photos

By Ed Kalama The OfHce of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) recently awarded nearly $70,000 in 'Ahahui Event Grants supporting seven upcoming eommunity events. 'Ahahui grants provide funding support to nonprofit organizations hosting events that provide significant benefit to the Native Hawaiian community and align with OHA's strategic plan framework. "These are events that help strengthen our foundational principles of 'ohana, mo'omeheu and aina and will benefit not only Native Hawaiians but the broader publie as well. We are proud to partner with these groups," said OHA Board Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey.

The Living Life Source Foundation was awarded $9,830 for its Waiakeakua Reforestion project scheduled for October. Native koa and ohi'a trees will be planted in the Waiakeakua Forest located in upper Mānoa Valley. Awarded $10,000 grants were: the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association, for its Hō'ihi event at the Royal Hawaiian Center intended to engage the eommunity about the wahi pana of Wakīkī; Hāna Arts, to help support the Hāna Farmer's Market on Maui; the Kua-loa-He'eia Eeumenieal Youth Project, to support the Ko'olau 'Ohana Festival in Kāne'ohe; Huliaupa'a, for its Kali'uokapa'akai Collective Wahi Kūpuna Stewardship Conference; and Adult Friends for Youth, for its PEARL Convention. For more on OHA's Grants Program please visit www. oha.org/grants. ■