Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2023 — Kamehameha was Committed to Justice [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kamehameha was Committed to Justice
This month's eolumn is adaptedfrom my remarks at the Kamehameha Day lei draping ceremony in Washington, D.C., on June 11, 2023. June 11 serves as a speeial reminder of the enduring legaey and profound impaet that Kamehameha 'Ekahi had on his people, his homeland, and the world. As the founding monareh of
the Kingdom of Hawai'i, the life and aeeomplishments of King Kamehameha I eontinue to inspire us more than 200 years after his death. Kamehameha rose to power in the late l8th eentury when the islands were divided into muhiple warring faetions. Through a eombination of intelligent leadership, strategie allianee, adherenee to wise eounsel, and military prowess, he sueeeeded in unifying Hawai'i into one eohesive kingdom, an unequaled aehievement in Hawaiian history. But Kamehameha was more than just a warrior king. He was a wise and akamai statesman whose greatness lay not only in his ability to forge a unified kingdom, but also in his unwavering eommitment to ensuring the wellbeing of his people. Kamehameha's dedieation to the prineiples of justiee, fairness and eompassion ean be seen in his establishment of a eode of laws that proteeted the rights of his people and promoted peaee and order. The first written law of the unified kingdom, the "Law of the Splintered Paddle," also known as "Kānāwai Māmalahoe," emphasized the eoneept of equal treatment under the law and heeame a fundamental principle of Hawaiian governance that is preserved to this day in the Hawai'i State Constitution. The Law of the Splintered Paddle speaks to limits on the exercise of power and serves as a reminder to those in positions of authority that power ean be misused and that leaders must be held accountable for their actions. The law upholds
the principles of fairness and equality and recognizes the inherent worth and rights of every person. The code ensured the protection of human rights, emphasizing the sanctity of life and the importance of compassion. We ean still find insight from this visionary approach, as it remains a heaeon of justice and humanity. Ancient legal traditions
still hold relevance in modern times. As Hawaiians, we are armed with the wisdom of our ancestors and the lessons ffom our ali'i. As the olelo no'eau says, "I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope - We look to the past as a guide to the future." Kamehamehas commitment to justice highlights the importance of creating a fair and just society that upholds the rule of law. Let us hope that all of today's leaders who hold influence over our beloved Hawaiian community remind themselves of Kamehameha's governing principles. As we reflect on Kamehameha's life and accomplishments, let us also acknowledge the enduring values he embraced. The spirit of aloha, characterized by love, respect, and compassion, remains the heart and soul of the Hawaiian people. It reminds us to treat one another with kindness and respect - to "aloha kekahi i kekahi." His legacy teaches that true strength lies not only in physieal prowess but also in the power to unite and uplift others. As we celebrate Kamehameha's life, let us remember the importance of fostering harmony and lōkahi and standing in solidarity in service to the Hawaiian community. As Kamehameha lay dying in Kailua-Kona in 1819, it is said that his last words were ""E 'oni wale nō 'oukou i ku'u pono - Carry on my good work." By cherishing our shared heritage, and working together toward a better future where we all ean help to raise a beloved lāhui, we ean honor the essence of Kamehameha's vision. ■
Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey CHAIR Trustee, Maui