Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 5, 1 Mei 2023 — Governor Green Signs Lā Kū'oko'a Bill [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Governor Green Signs Lā Kū'oko'a Bill

On April 19, 2023, Gov. Josh Green signed Senote Bill /31 into low. lntroduced by the Senote Notive Howoiion Coucus, the hill designates November 28 of eoeh year as Lā Kū'oko'a - Hawaiian lndependence Day - to celebrate the historical recognition of the sovereign notion stotus of the Kingdom of Hawai'i by Fronce and England in 1843. Although not o stote holidoy, the recognition is a step in the right direction. On hand ot the signing were representotives from the Office of Hawaiian Affoirs, the Associotion of Howoiion Civic Clubs, Komehameha Schools and other Hawaiian organizations. Pictured here (l-r) ore OHA CEO Dr. Sylvio Hussey, Trustee John Woihe'e, Trustee Luana Alopo, Gov. Green, Trustee Mililani Trosk, Trustee Kolei Akoko, and Trustee Keoni Souza. Courtesy photo.