Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 5, 1 May 2023 — Jaboticaba: A Backyard Superfood [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Jaboticaba: A Backyard Superfood
By Jodi Leslie Matsuo DrPH Although not native to Hawai'i, jaboticaba is a eommon backyard fruit found in our ma uka communities. Jaboticaba arrived to Hawai'i in the 1900s ffom South America. Many keiki grew up enjoying this grape-like fruit, plucking it from the tree trunk, popping it in the mouth, and sucking out the white jelly-like flesh before spitting out the seed. Those who haven't had this pleasure may be able to buy it fresh or as jam at loeal farmers' markets. Jaboticaba is more than just an 'ono loeal treat. An online search of "super foods" repeatedly places berries at the top of this list, as they are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Although absent from this list, jaboticaba has similar disease-fighting nutrients as do other deep colored fruits, especially in its peel. Jaboticaba contains a powerful ehemieal called anthocyanins, shown to prevent cardiovascular disease, and has anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-mi-crobial and anti-obesity effects. In a eup to eup comparison, jaboticaba has more anthocyanins than blackberries, cherries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries, and only 20% fewer than blueberries. One study showed jaboticaba to lower blood pressure, naturally causing the blood vessels to relax and allow more circulation. Having increased circulation is important because it allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to travel throughout your body. Most of jaboticaba's anthocyanins and other heneheial chemicals are found in its peel. Try eating some skin while eating the pulp. It is slightly bitter tasting and so may not be easy for some. Using the fruit to make tea or jam may be the most pleasant way to consume it. To make tea, add one eup of mashed ja-
boticaba peels to every two cups of water in a pot. You ean also blend the jaboticaba fruit, instead of mashing, whieh allows more chemicals to be released into the tea. Onee it starts to boil, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 10 minutes. Feel free to add other dried teas or herbs while simmering for different flavors. After its done, turn off the heat and add another eup of water to the pot. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes before straining. You ean add stevia or another sweetener of ehoiee, lemon, and more water, if desired. Making jaboticaba jam is just as easy. Plaee a colander in a bowl and mash about two pounds of jaboticaba. Remove the peels and set aside. Squeeze the seeds to get as mueh pulp and juice as you ean. Add the freshly squeezed jaboticaba pulp/juice, two cups of water, half the jaboticaba peels, and sweetener of ehoiee (2.5 teaspoons of stevia or 2.5 cups of monk fruit sweetener - these measurements are equal to 2.5 cups of sugar) into a pot. Heat until the mixture thickens then blend until you reached the desired consistency. Cool the jam before eating, as this results in a better flavor. Get the same benefits of imported airflown fruits from our locally grown fruits - they cost less and have more nutrients. ■ Born and raised in Kona, Hawai'i, Dr. Jodi Leslie Matsuo is a Native Hawaiian Registered Dietician and certified diabetes educator, with training in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. Follow her on Facehook ( @DrJodiLeslieMatsuo ), lnstagram (@ drlesliematsuo) and on Twitter (@DrLeslieMatsuo).
The fruit of the joboticoba tree grows right on the tree trunk. This delicious fruit is neh in nutrients ond ontioxidonts. - (ourtesy Photo