Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 5, 1 Mei 2023 — Appreciating 'Ohana Values [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Appreciating 'Ohana Values


By Bailey Kuuleialoha Werner-Kanahele, Grade 6, Kula Aupuni Ni'ihau A Kahelelani Aloha [KANAKA] PCS ""V hana values are a Ē ■ rare thing these ■ Ē days as many of my peers seem to value social media over the things that truly matter. Taking the time to enjoy special treats made with togetherness that comes from learning secret ways that these delights are made. Making the time to raise gifts that nurtured plants ean deliver as joy. Creating the time to share stories that a long life full of wisdom conveys in a caring relationship. These are just a few of the gifts that eome ffom my Tūtū. Having a sweet tooth makes one able to enjoy the wonderful array of delights that ean be shared as 'ohana recipes. Being a self-professed home baker of many treats, the best are those gifted as special ways of knowing. Sharing these treasures as something to pass along to my future 'ohana have taken first prize in my opū as desserts. This is not to say that such delights are not available in today's market but simply incomparable to the process that makes them uniquely great to 'ai (eat). Mahalo to my Tūtū for making the ways available to me. Joy is another value that comes in the form of laboring that yields beauty and heahh. Being a good gardener takes patience and per-

severance to yield pleasures for the eye or nutrient-rich organic choices for mea'ai. Working the aina is an act of caring for the things that unloek great beauty and flavorful eats. The right amount of water, carefully selected pruning, or properly tilled soil are some of the ways the gardener achieves the gift that leads to joyful caring. What started as chores to help build understanding has blossomed into fruitful dishes or arrangements mentored from my Tūtū making us proud to share. Nearly every moment shared with the aloha that comes ffom a caring heart allows youth to beeome a gift that continues to grow in wisdom. It seems that the older we get with living a good life, the harder it gets to make the best of our time for those we know need our nurturing. Sharing past experiences, telling stories that end with a life lesson, or just taking the time to be together having fun are some ways that wisdom ean be pasted down in my 'ohana. A trip to Disneyland, a stroll in the park to work out a problem or being pushed to get going on a swing ean be stories that ean be shared in later life experiences. I hope to be able to share my gained wisdoms when I get to be an age equal to Tūtū. Reflecting on things given as knowledge from our kūpuna helps us to be all that we ean be. Baked delights that earn a plaee of joy in our opū are learned, not bought, and not taken for granted. Arrangements beautiful to behold and delectable fruits of one's labor bring joy that ean be shared. 'Ohana events that change in perspective as we grow build wisdom. All these experiences result in aloha filled with joy and wisdom ffom that special person I eall Tūtū. ■