Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2023 — OHA Grant Applications Due April 5 [ARTICLE]
OHA Grant Applications Due April 5
By Ūffice of Hawaiian Affairs Staff On March 15, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) announced the availability of more than $9 million via 12 grant solicitations for Native Hawaiian-serving organizations. The solicitations include community grants to strengthen 'ohana, mo'omeheu (culture) and 'āina eonneetions, as well as grants to support education, heahh, housing, eeonomie stability, homestead communities, and iwi kūpuna repatriation and reinternment. This year, two new granting categories are also being launched to support 'Ōiwi: one to provide disaster recovery and one to provide technical assistance to organizations serving Native Hawaiians (Kāko'o Support Grants). Additionally, with a legacy of supporting more than a decade of community events, OHA's 'Ahahui Grant Program has more than $300,000 available for eommunity events scheduled from June to December 2023. Ahahui Grant applications are now reviewed on a rolling deadline in order to better accommodate the needs of the community. OHA's Grants Program is designed to help meet the needs of our lāhui by providing support to Hawai'i-based nonprofit organizations with projects, programs and initiatives that align with achieving the outcomes of OHA's 15-year Mana i Mauli Ola Strategic Plan. Eligible nonprofits must demonstrate that at least 60% of their participants are Native Hawaiian and must be able to provide 20% in matching funds for larger program grants. OHA grants are funded by ineome and proceeds that OHA receives ffom the Puhlie Land Trust. This ineome goes directly toward funding beneficiary and eommunity investments, as well as sponsorships and legal services. "OHA Grants play a key role in providing our beneficiaries with mueh needed support and services in education, health, housing and eeonomie stability," said OHA Board Chair Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey. "We look forward to supporting innovative community-based programming throughout the pae aina that help to improve the quality of life for Native Hawaiians." The application deadline for OHA Community Grants is Wednesday, Apr. 5 by 2:00 p.m. HST. Cycle 3 of the 'Ahahui Grant Program begins on Apr. 14 and the application deadline is Apr. 28. The deadline for the Kāko'o Grant Program was Lriday Mar. 31. Interested parties are encouraged to learn more about OHA's grant solicitations. Go to www.oha.org/grants for information and application requirements, to access an on-demand video orientation, or to apply for a grant through OHA's online grants portal. ■