Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2023 — SEARCH [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


KAOHI/MAKEA - The family of Joseph Kalua Kaohi (1894 - 1971) and Rachel Kaneheokalani Makea (1895 - 1951) of Hanapepe, Kaua i is having a reunion July 26-30, 2023, in Hanapepe, Kaua'i. For more information, please contact Julie Kaohi at 808-551-7572 or lehuabua@aol.com. Any genealogy information would also be greatly appreciated. Please contact Jolynn Kaohi Chew at 480-773-9313 or mamachew@aol.com. LU'ULOA-AE'A-MOPĪON-KALIMA - This is a kāhea to the descendants of Annie Meleka Lu'uloa and her three (3) husbands: Albert Kamaukoli Ae'a I, Sampson Pālama Ae'a Morton, and Paul Aukai Kalima. The 'ohana is planning a family reunion in the summer of 2023 and all direct descendants of this bloodline are invited to attend this event. What: Aloha Kekahi i Kekahi 'Ohana Reunion; When: September 1-4, 2023, FOUR DAY EVENT; Where: Our Lady of Kea'au - Makaha, HI. The 'ohana requests all attendees to RSVP here: https:// www.surveymonkey.eom/r/ alohareunion2023. Deadline to RSVP is April 30, 2023. For more information please contact Ronnette Abregano and alohareunion2023@gmail.com. STEWARD-KAMEHAMEHA, KANAHELE, KUNA- - Family search from Maui to Kahalu'u O'ahu. Looking for descendants or 'ohana of James and Mea-alani Steward of Kahalu'u, O'ahu. Please contact William Steward: wsteward52@yahoo.com if you are interested in a family reunion. ■