Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2023 — NOTICE OF INTENDED DISPOSITION UNDER NAGPRA [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



Below is an abbreviated version of a public notice published on March 8 and March 22 2023 in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Notice is here given in accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 43 CFR 10.6(c) of the intent to transfer custody of Native Hawaiian human remains - iwi kūpuna - and potential funerary objects in the eontrol of United States Army Garrison, Hawaii (USAG-HI) recovered from Pililā'au Army Recreation Center (PARC), on Nene'u Beach at Pōkat Bay, Wai'anae Ahupua'a, Wai'anae Moku, O'ahu, Hawai'i (TMK 8-5-001:009). Between November 2020 and December 2022, archaeologists recovered 2,354 fragments of iwi kūpuna and 898 potential funerary objects from a construction debris stockpile that was intentionally excavated during a seawall repair project at PARC in 2019. Ko'a Mana has been identified in the NAGPRA Comprehensive Agreement as the Native Hawaiian organization with the closest cultural affiliation to the area(§l0.5(e)(9)). • Officials from USAG-HI have determined that, pursuant to 43 CFR 10.2(d) (1), the human remains described above represent a minimum of 6 individuals of Native Hawaiian ancestry. • Officials ffom USAG-HI have also determined that, pursuant to 43 CFR 10.2(d)(2), the 1,146 funerary objects described above are the types of items reasonably believed to have been placed with or near the individual human remains at the time of death or later as part of a death rite or ceremony. Lineal descendants or representatives of any other Native Hawaiian

organization that wish to elaim custody of the iwi kūpuna and funerary objects should contact the USAG-HI Cultural Resources Program Manager, Mr. David Crowley, by mail at USAG-HI Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division Building 105, 948 Santos Dumont Avenue, Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Barracks, 96857; by telephone at (808) 655-9707; or by email at usarmy.hawaii.crmp@ army.mil; before April 22, 2023. Disposition of the iwi kūpuna and funerary objects to Ko'a Mana may proceed after that date if no additional elaimants eome forward. SECTION 106 AND HRS 6E-8 CONSULTATION COUNTY OF HAWAI'I MASS TRANSIT AGENCY ISLAND WIDE BUS STOP ACCESSIBILITY PROJECT The Hawai'i County Mass Transit Agency ("County") is conducting consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Hawai'i Revised Statutes Chapter 6E-8 for upgrades to bus stops around Hawai'i Island in order to bring them into eomplianee with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The Area of Potential Effect includes 61 locations throughout Hawai'i County listed below. The project would use federal funds to improve the bus stops to ensure that eaeh bus stop boarding and alighting area has a firm, stable surface; provides a minimum clear length of 8 feet; is not steeper than 1:48 (2.08%) perpendicular to the roadway; and if a shelter is present, that the shelter provides a minimum clear floor or ground space measuring 2.5 feet wide by 4 foot long, entirely within the shelter, and is not steeper than 1:48 (2.08%) in all direc-

tions. To correct these deficiencies, the County would construct ADA-com-pliant bus stop boarding and alighting areas or modify the existing boarding and alighting areas. The County is in search of kama'āina (persons who have genealogical eonnections and or are familiar from childhood with the aina) with these locations. If you have and are willing to share any information about historic properties or cultural practices that might be affected by alterations to these bus stops, or would like to suggest other groups or people who may be able to help, please contact John Andoh at John.Andoh@hawaiicounty. gov, by telephone at (808) 961-8555, or by U.S. Postal Service to attn: John Andoh, County of Hawai'i Mass Transit Agency, 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo, HI, 96720. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORTHE PROPOSED PEARL CITY LIBRARY EXPANSION On behalf of PBR HAWAII & Associates, ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment to inform a HRS, Chapter 343 Enviornmental Assessment being prepared for the Pearl City Library Expansion. The project is located at TMK: (1) 9-7-094: 029 in Mānana,'Ewa, O'ahu. ASM is seeking kama'āina familiar with the area's cultural resources, customs, and practices. We also seek input regarding strategies to prevent or mitigate impacts on culturally valued resources or traditional customary practices. If you know of such information, please contact Brianna Mendez at bmendez@asmaffiliates. eom, (808) 439-8089, mailing address ASM Affiliates 820 Mililani St. Suite 700, Honolulu, HI 96813. ■

To create a space for our readers to honor their loved ones, Ka Wai Ola will print Hali'a Aloha - obituarie s and mele kanikau (mourning chants). Hali'a Aloha appearing in the print version of Ka Wai Ola should be recent (within six months of passing) and should not exceed 250 words in length. All other Hali'a Aloha submitted will be published on kawaiola.news. Hali'a Aloha must be submitted by the 15th of the month for publication the following month. Photos aeeompanying Hali'a Aloha will only be included in the print version of the newspaper if space permits. However, all photos will be shared on kawaiola.news.