Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 4, 1 April 2023 — E Nihi ka Hele [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
E Nihi ka Hele
By Mālia Sanders As many of us prepare to attend, particiate in and enjoy the annual Merrie Monarch Festival, I am reminded of the beauty of the 'ōhi'a forest and the misty Kanilehua rain whieh settles atop the lehua blossoms. "Ho'onu'a Hilo i ka lehua" ('Ōlpln Nn'pan - #1105).
'Ōhi'a trees, one of the most ecologically important and culturally significant trees in our mo'olelo and the most abundant native tree in our forests, are dying from fungal disease.
Over a million ohi'a have already died because of two species of the fungus Ceratocystis, also known as Rapid 'Ohi'a Death (ROD). The more virulent pathogen is named Ceratocystis lukuohia (luku ohi'a - destroyer of ohi'a) and has been found on Hawai'i Island and Kaua'i. The slower growing pathogen is named Ceratocystis huliohia (huliohi'a - disruptor of ohi'a) and has been found on Hawai'i Island, Maui, O'ahu and Kaua'i. Healthy trees appear to die within a few days to a few weeks and there is no effective treatment to cure trees that exhibit symptoms; therefore, it is critically important that we all practice preventative measures to stop the spread so that future generations ean enjoy the ohi'a forests. Even in the worst ROD-affected areas of native ohi'a forests, some ohi'a trees seem to be resistant to this disease and survive. These trees are being researched as they may one day be the basis for developing disease-resistant ohi'a trees in
the future. Someday, resistant ohi'a trees may be planted into seed control areas to restore ohi'a forests that have been blighted by ROD. In the words of a mele composed by King David Kalākaua for his beloved Queen Kapi'olani, he writes, "E nihi ka hele" - tread lightly. As we return to travel within and around our island home, we need to be mindful about how we prepare and behave when spending time in our native forests, to tread lightly and do no harm. • Prior to visiting any of the islands, wash all your gear and clothing in hot soapy water. • Protect ohi'a trees from injury. Wounds serve as entry points for the fungus and increase the odds that the tree will heeome infected. • Don't use heavy machinery near ohi'a whieh could injure the bark or roots. There is good evidence to support fencing the land and removing invasive animals (such as pigs, sheep, and cattle) as these actions ean help to protect ohi'a trees and native forests. • Don't move ohi'a wood or anything made ffom 'ōhi'a unless it is treated. • Don't transport ohi'a interisland. • Clean gear and tools, including shoes and clothes, before and after entering forests. • Prepare by bringing and spraying your shoes with 70% rubbing aleohol or a freshly mixed 10% hleaeh solution. • Wash your vehicle with a high-pres-sure hose or washer if you've picked up mud from driving. Mahalo nui to JB Friday, Ph.D., of University of Hawai'i's College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources for his valuable insight on preventing the spread. To learn more visit www.NaH-HA.com/olelo-hawaii and download the Ma'ema'e Toolkit. ■ Mālia Sanders is the executive director of the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association ( NaHHA ). Working to better connect the Hawaiian community to the visitor industry, NaHHA supports thepeople who provide authentic experiences to Hawai'i's visitors. For more information go to www. nahha.com Pollow NaHHA on Paeehook, Instagram, and Twitter @nahha808 and @kuhikuhi808.
'Ohi'a lehua, one of Howoi'i's most ecologicolly and culturolly importont notive trees, is under ottock by o fungus thot couses Rapid 'Ohi'o Deoth (ROD). - Courtesy Photo