Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 4, 1 April 2023 — Preparing Hawai'iloa for a Journey to Alaska [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Preparing Hawai'iloa for a Journey to Alaska
By Adam Keawe Manalo-Camp For Denise Kekuna, treasurer of the Friends of Hōkūle'a & Hawai'iloa (FHH), the eanoe, Hawai'iloa, represents the "continuum of our shared cultures and the deep Indigenous intelligence that sustained and continues to sustain us." The birth of Hawai'iloa began after the successful voyage of Hōkūle'a in 1976 when members of the Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS) dreamed of building a eanoe that would utilize more traditional materials. The search for koa wood logs large enough to build a voyaging eanoe began in 1989. However, after months of searching for logs on Hawai'i Island, there were no trees large enough. PVS co-founder Herb Kāne had read accounts by Captain George Vancouver, a British explorer, about Kānaka Maoli making canoes from pine logs that drifted across the oeean from Turtle Island (North America). He wondered if his friend, Judson Brown, of the Tlingkit nation in Alaska might know where to source appropriate logs. Brown, whose Tlingkit name is Gushklane, was a visionary who was in Hawai'i at the time visiting his daughters. His granddaughter, Gail Dabaluz, describes him as a lifelong learner and deeply committed to advancing Indigenous cultures. Kāne invited Gushklane and PVS navigator Nainoa Thompson to luneh at Fisherman's Wharf in Honolulu. Thompson explained the project to Gushklane who seemed interested. Gushklane explained to Kāne and Thompson that, for the Tlingkit, the trees are kin and are like their children. After praying on the matter, Gushklane contacted Ernie Hillman, chief forester of Sealaska, a Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian-owned corporation. In 1990, Hillman located two 400-year-old spruce pine trees measuring 200 ft. long and 8 ft in diameter located near Taan (Prince of Wales Island). Through Byron Mallot, CEO of Sealaska, the Indigenous-owned corporation donated the two logs to Kānaka Maoli as a symbol of friendship and healing. Without the support of the Indigenous peoples of Alaska and Sealaska, Hawai'iloa would not have been possible. Work on the project began in 1991. The eanoe hulls were designed by Rudy and Barry Choy and Dick Rhodes. The remainder of the eanoe was designed by project director Thompson, while kahuna kālai wa'a (master eanoe carver) Wright 'Elemakule Bowman, Jr., and Wally Froiseth worked on the eanoe itself. Miek and Ricky Beasley of the Tlingkit nation flew to Hawai'i to assist in carving the eanoe. Since its birth, Hawai'iloa has inspired cross-Indigenous collaboration. Hawai'iloa was completed in 1993 and named after the legendary Pacific navigator. In 1995, she made a number of voyages to the South Pacific and then to the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. In Alaska, Hawai'iloa was met with a tremendous wel-
eome from the Tlingkit, Haida, and Tshimshian nations. Gerry Brown coordinated Hawai'iloa's visit to Sitka whilejudy George coordinated a weleome injuneau. Janiee and Richard Jackson coordinated Hawai'iloa's visit to Ketchikan. Wherever Hawai'iloa went, its crew was met by Indigenous leaders and honored with ceremonies. In 1996, through Bowman's efforts, FHH was founded. Bowman envisioned that PVS would continue to perpetuate voyaging traditions while FHH would focus on perpetuating kālai wa'a (canoe-making) traditions. Bowman wanted to make sure that eanoe carvers are not forgotten and that their skills and traditions would be passed on to future generations. Since its last voyage to the Paeihe Northwest and Alaska was in 1995, an entire generation has not seen Ha-
wai'iloa. According to Kekuna, this was not due to a laek of interest, but to a number of challenging circumstances over the years - including development of a crack in her hull and a recent powder beetle infestation that has further damaged the hull. In 2019, repairs to Hawai'iloa began with the hope of returning to Alaska - but COVID-19 stopped their work. As the pandemic has abated, work has resumed, including replacing damaged parts with koa and 'ōhia. Hawai'iloa is currently drydocked at the Marine Education Training Center while it is being repaired. So far, FHH has raised and spent about $45,000 for repairs but the organization still needs to raise another $200,000 to complete their work - including "winterizing" the eanoe for cold weather, and purchasing weath-er-appropriate gear for the crew, whieh they hope to begin training in 2024. The repair work that remains includes replacing the mats for sails, repairing the rig lines, and revarnishing the hull. Volunteers have also been helping to sand the hull and refurbish the eanoe. FHH is still seeking volunteers to kōkua with the repairs to Hawai'iloa - particularly those who have woodworking experience. "So many people were involved in making Hawai'iloa - and so many people are still involved, and want to be involved, because this project is about reconnecting," said Kekuna. The current plan is for a return voyage of Hawai'iloa to the Paeihe Northwest and Alaska. Onee there, the eanoe will dock in Alaska for a year to enahle a new generation of interaction and cultural exchange. Workshops are already being planned with the Alaska Native Heritage Center. "Hawai'iloa should be shared," said Kekuna, "and returning to Alaska would mean a new generation would [be able to] share in its unique identity." ■ Adam Keawe Manalo-Catnp grew up in Papakōlea and is a Hawaiian and Filipino writer, blogger and independent researcher.
HūWūi'iloa ot seo in the early 1990s. Her lost voyage to the Pacific Northwest wūs in 1995, but with repairs currently underway, Friends of Hōkūle'o & Hawoi'iloa (FHH) hope she eon soil bock to Alosko in 2024 to enohle o new generation of culturol exchonge. - Courfesy Photo