Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2023 — CONSERVATION DISTRICT USE APPLICATION: PUNA, HAWAI'I ISLAND [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



ASM AfRliates is conducting consultation for a Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) being prepared for the proposed development of a single-family dwelling on a 0.327 acre parcel in Wa'awa'a Ahupua'a, Puna District, Island of Hawai'i. We are seeking consultation with any community members who may have knowledge of traditional cultural uses of the proposed project area; or who are involved in any ongoing cultural practices in the general vicinity of the subject property that may be impacted by the proposed project. If you have and ean share any such information, please eontact Benjamin Barna bbarna@ asmafhliates.com, phone (808) 969-6066, mailing address ASM Affiliates 507A E. Lanikaula Street, Hilo, HI 96720. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: AQUARIUM PERMITS FOR THE ISLAND OF O'AHU ASM Affiliates (ASM) prepared a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed issuance of commercial aquarium permits for the Island of O'ahu. In August 2021, the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) did not accept the Final EIS and as a result, additional information and consultation for the CIA is being collected. The study area is for the entire island of O'ahu and

extends three nautical miles out to sea. In addition, the following areas are being excluded from the study including Pūpūkea Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD), Hanauma Bay MLCD, Waikīkī MLCD, Coconut Island Hawai'i Marine Laboratory Refuge Fisheries Management Area (FMA), Waikīkī-Diamond Head Shoreline FMA, Ala Wai Canal, Kapālama Canal, He'eia Kea Wharf, Honolulu Harbor, Pōkaī Bay, Waialua Bay, Paikō Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary, and the 'Ewa Limu Management Area. We are seeking consultation with any community members that might have knowledge, or who are involved in, any ongoing traditional cultural practices within the study area and weleome any information in the excluded areas as well. If you have and ean share any such information please contact Carol Oordt coordt@asmaffiliates.com, phone (808) 439-8089, mailing address ASM Afhliates 820 Mililani St. Suite 700, Honolulu, HI 96813. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: PUNA, HAWAI'I ISLAND Kulaiwi Archaeology, LLC is conducting a cultural impact assessment (CIA) for TMK: (3) 1-6-141:024, a 2.410-acre parcel located in Kea'au Ahupua'a, Puna District on the Island of Hawai'i. The landowner proposes to drill a commercial water well within the previously graded portion of the parcel. All persons having information on traditional cultural practices and places located within Kea'au Ahupua'a

and the vicinity of the project parcel are hereby requested to contact Solomon Kailihiwa, skailihiwa@kulaiwiarchaeology.com, (808)493-8884, within thirty (30) days of this notice. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: NORTH KOHALA, HAWAI'I ISLAND At the request of the Hawai'i Electrical Light Company (HELCO), ASM Afhliates (ASM) is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the proposed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project located in the Pāhoa Ahupua'a, North Kohala District, Island of Hawai'i. The area where project activities will occur is comprised of roughly 1.207 acres located on a portion of Tax Map Key (TMK) (3) 5-5-002:023 and adjoins the existing HELCO-owned Hāwī Substation located near mile marker 21.5 of Akoni Pule Highway. The North Kohala area of Hawai'i Island is currently served by a single 69kV radial transmission line constructed in the 1950s. To improve reliability and resilience, HELCO worked with the community and various stakeholders to develop several alternative solutions. After mueh consideration and feedback, HELCO settled on developing the current project. The proposed microgrid project will be supported by a BESS whieh would be powered by as-available renewable energy. The construction of the microgrid will allow for the flexibility to perform the transmission line rebuild over muhiple years all while reducing

the number of customers whose service would be interrupted by the future transmission line rebuild or other forms of power outages. ASM is in search of kama'āina (persons who have genealogical connections and or are familiar from childhood with the aina) of Pāhoa. ASM is seeking information about the area's cultural resources and or cultural uses of the project area; and past and or ongoing cultural practices that have or continue to occur within the project area. ASM is also seeking input regarding strategies to prevent or mitigate potential impacts on culturally valued resources or traditional customary practices. If you have and are willing to share any such information, please eontact Lokelani Brandt, lbrandt@ asmafhliates.com, phone (808) 969-6066, mailing address ASM Affiliates 507A E. Lanikaula Street, Hilo, HI 96720. Mahalo. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND KA PA'AKAI ASSESSMENT: HĀ'ENA, KAUA'I Paeihe Consulting Services, Ine. (PCSI), on behalf of AT&T Mobility, is conducting a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) and Ka Pa'akai assessment in support of the proposed development of a 95-foot stealth monopine telecommunications facility within a 927 sq ft area west of 5-7505 Kūhiō Highway, Hā'ena, Kaua'i (Tax Map Key: (4) 5-8-010:011). The CIA team is seeking to engage with cultural practitioners and other knowledgeable individuals who ean provide information

concerning cultural, historical, or natural resources that may be present within the project area for the purpose of completing a Ka Pa'akai Assessment. If interested in participating and sharing your mana'o, please email PCSI at haena@pcsihawaii.com or by calling PCSI at 808-546-5557. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND KA PA'AKAI ASSESSMENT: WAILUA, KAUA'I Paeihe Consulting Services, ine. (PCSI), on behalf of the County of Kaua'i, is conducting a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) and Ka Pa'akai assessment in support of the proposed improvements to the Wailua Wastewater Treatment Plant at 4460 Nalu Road Wailua, Kaua'i 96746 (Tax Map Keys: (4) 3-9-006:019 & 027). The project also includes improvements to the oeean outfall diffusers and rehabilitation of the existing 10-ineh force main that conveys R-2 recycled water from the Wailua WWTP to the irrigation holding pond at the Wailua Munieipal Golf Course (Tax Map Keys: (4) 3-9-002:032 & 004). The CIA team is seeking to engage with cultural practitioners and other knowledgeable individuals who ean provide information eoncerning cultural, historical, or natural resources that may be present within the project area for the purpose of completing a Ka Pa'akai Assessment. If interested in participating and sharing your mana'o, please email PCSI at wailua@pcsihawaii.com or by calling PCSI at 808-546-5557. ■