Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2023 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]
table of contents Malaki (March) 2023 | Vol. 40, No. 03
MO'OLELO NUI | C0VER FEATURE A Collision of Culture and Commerce pagesh BY MAHEALANI CYPHER The wahi kapu (sacred plaee) of Ahu o Laka in Kāne'ohe Bay has heeome a popular destination to party and tour companies are cashing in. NĀ HOPENA OLAKINO | HEALĪH OUTCOMES Perpetuating Culture with Board, Stone and Kalo me? BYCHERYLCHEETSUTSUMI Office of Hawaiian Affairs grantee, Hui Mālama o Ke Kai, is offering popular "board and stone" workshops to strengthen 'ohana and cultural identity.
MO'OMEHEU | CULTURE Using Art to īaekle Difficult Discussions p«geb BY AMEE HI'ILAWE NEVES The 'Ai Pōhaku, Stone Eaters exhibit at UH Mānoa featuring the work of 'Ōiwi artists is a catalyst for conversations about Hawaiian representation. MO'OMEHEU | CULTURE What's in a Name? i gek BY AŪAM KEAWE MANALO-CAMP lndigenous plaee names are more than loeahon markers - they speak stories and invoke memories - whieh is why these names must be reclaimed.