Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2023 — OHA Trustees and Executives Attend Commonfund Forum [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Trustees and Executives Attend Commonfund Forum
Commonfund is one of the investment monoger/odvisors for the Notive Howoiion Trust Fund odministered by the Office of Howoiion Affoirs (OHA). Ihe Notive Howoiion Trust Fund wos estoblished in 1981 to occount for OHA's portion of Public Lond Trust ineome ond proceeds. To stoy informed on investment strotegies ond proctices, ond os port of their fiduciory responsibilities ond kuleono, OHA trustees ond executive leodership ottend forums, conferences ond troinings. Tbe 2023 Commonfund Forum wos beld lost month in Florido. Pictured (L-R) ore Trustees Keoni Souzo, Choir Cormen "Hulu" Lindsey, Keli'i Akino, Kolei Akoko ond John Woihe"e IV. Also ottending were Trustee Luono Alopo, CEO Dr. Sylvio Hussey, CFO Romono Hinek, ond Treasury Director Ryan Lee. - Courtesy Photo