Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2023 — Papahana Kālai Papa Me Pōhaku Ku'i 'Ai Worshops [ARTICLE]
Papahana Kālai Papa Me Pōhaku Ku'i 'Ai Worshops
The Papahana Kālai Papa Me Pōhaku Ku'i 'Ai workshop is scheduled to begin in May. An orientation is tentatively set for May 10 and 11 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Hui Mālama O Ke Kai's (HMKF's) campus, 41-477 Hīhīmanu Street in Waimānalo. Thirteen weekly evening classes will follow from May 18 through July 13. A hō'ike is set for July 15. You ean also learn howto prepare pa'i 'ai (pounded taro) with papa and pōhaku at 12 E Ku'i Kākou events. Plans eall for eaeh 'ohana to receive two to three pounds of kalo, and you ean keep all the pa'i 'ai that you make. You do not have to complete the Papahana Kālai Papa Me Pōhaku Ku'i 'Ai workshop to sign up for E Ku'i Kākou. If you don't have a board and stone, you ean borrowthem from HMKF. Priorto the pandemic, E Ku'i Kākou was held at HMKF. During the height of the pandemic, it was a "drive-through" - families picked up kalo and implements, if needed, at HMKF and made pa'i 'ai at home. This year, some events will be in person; the rest as a drive-through. HMKF provides instruction and materials for Papahana Kālai Papa Me Pōhaku Ku'i 'Ai and E Ku'i Kākou, whieh are open to everyone free of charge. Enrollment will be online onee dates have been announced via email, social media and HMKF's website in early April. For details about these and other HMKF programs, eall (808) 259-2030, email info@huimalamaokekai.org or visit www.huimalamaokekai.org.