Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 2, 1 February 2023 — Hakuone - Our Hawaiian Economic Engine Fulfilling Kaka'ako Makai's Potential [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hakuone - Our Hawaiian Economic Engine Fulfilling Kaka'ako Makai's Potential
This year, bills have been introduced by the Senate's Hawaiian Caucus (SB736) and by Rep. Daniel Holt (HB270) to repeal the restriction that prevents OHA from building housing at Hakuone, our 30 acres of land in Kaka'ako Makai. The passing of this legislation would activate the full potential of our Hakuone lands by creating an eeonomie engine to provide
mueh needed housing for Native Hawaiians and loeal residents, and to provide funding for our people through grants, scholarships, loans, hnaneial workshops and more. By law, the State of Hawai'i is required to pay OHA 20% of revenues from ceded, former crown and government lands, also known as the Puhlie Land Trust. In 2012, as payment by the State of Hawai'i to settle constitutional claims for underpayments of $200 million, OHA received
these lands in Kaka'ako Makai. OHA's goal is to build housing and create a cultural gathering plaee with Hawaiian-owned businesses; an oasis for the Hawaiian community in urban Honolulu - a Hawaiian sense of plaee to live, work and play, to further our mission for the betterment of the conditions of Native Hawaiian people. To put it simply, OHA received lands that it cannot build housing on. Without the residential entitlement, these
lands are not worth its appraised value of $200 million. This is a eollahorative effort to work hand in hand, as this takes OHA, the eommunity, the state and so forth to fulfill its full potential. Native Hawaiians are entitled, by law, to determine how best to shape our cultural, social and eeonomie wellbeing and to ensure the heahh and prosperity of our people through optimum and pono use of lands that belong to us. We eontinue moving fervently forward for what our people deserve and we humbly ask for your kōkua to continue our momentum with a eall to action to reach out to your 'ohana, friends and networks to share about this and contact legislators with your
voice of support, with aloha, on the residential repeal for Hakuone. Mahalo nui to all who have expressed support, including community members who attended OHA's town hall meetings, contributing invigorating conversation for the development of Hakuone. When we're further able to uplift our Native Hawaiian Community, all of Hawai'i benefits. We weleome you to join us and learn more at Hakuone.com! ■
Kaleihikina Akaka Trustee, O'ahu
Trustee Akaka with her parents Daniel "Kaniela" Akaka, Jr. (far left) and Anne Akaka (far right) with Kumu Cy Bridges and his wife, Atareta lraani, at Hakuone in Koka'oko Makai. - Courtesv Photo
Hawoiian music icons Nina Keali'iwohamono ond Robert Cazimero lent their support to Hakuone via o television commercial whieh features the song Hawaiian lullaby ( Wbere I Live īhere are Rainbows) the signoture song of the lote U.S. Sen. Doniel Akaka, Trustee Akaka's grondfother.