Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2023 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
February marks the observance of Hawaiian Language Month in Hawai'i while Black History Month is observed throughout the United States. The two observances connect in that both the Kānaka Maoli and Black communities have experienced historical injustice, loss, trauma and displacement under the laws and policies of the United States. But more powerfully, both the Kānaka Maoli and Black communities share a history of resilience, resistance, and achievement. Unknown to most people, the Black community has been helping to shape Hawai'i for over 200 years. A Black sailor, whom Kānaka Maoli called Keaka'ele'ele, arrived in 1796. He heeame a royal advisor and built a brick palaee (later used as a royal storehouse) for Kamehameha I in Lāhaina. Completed in 1802, the brick palaee introduced Western architecture to the islands. Around the same time, Anthony Allen, known to Hawaiians as Alani, helped establish the first Western-style resort in Waikīkī and a hospital. In the 1830s, Allen also helped to found the first Black organization, the Affican Relief Society. Other notable individuals include "William the Baker" who heeame the ofRcial baker for Kamehameha I and founded the first restaurant and bakery in Hawai'i - arguably the original "King's Bakery." Betsy Stockton arrived in Lāhaina in 1823 as a missionary. She helped to found the first school for maka'āinana. And the first two bandmasters of the Royal Hawaiian Band were both Black musicians: Oliver (no last name) in 1836, and George Washington Hyatt in 1845. Later, numerous other Black sailors eame to Hawai'i to escape enslavement in America SEE HAWAIIAN AND BLACK HIST0RIES ON PAGE 17
HAWAIIAN AND BLACK HIST0RIES Continued from page 16 and heeame successful entrepreneurs while contributing to the Hawaiian Kingdom. Blacks comprised more than 30% of whaling crews and, upon arriving in Hawai'i, many felt a sense of kinship or experienced a feeling of belonging in Hawai'i, and stayed to heeame part of the lāhui. Many of the sailors who chose to stay in Hawai'i heeame Hawaiian nationals, married Kānaka Maoli women, and adopted olelo Hawai'i. The Black community at the time also included numerous Cape Verdean sailors who settled in Hawai'i. They were sometimes called "Black Portuguese" within the loeal community and worked as laborers, masons, attorneys, and businessmen. From the 1890s onwards, both the Kānaka Maoli and Black communities struggled against the same plantation oligarchy. Thomas McCants Stewart was a civil rights lawyer hired by Hui Kāla'aina to help protect Hawaiian interests in the drafting of the Organic Act. He was later instrumental in crafting O'ahu County's charter and in protecting kuleana land rights.
In 1901, African-American sugar plantation workers began to arrive in Hawai'i. After a year of labor abuses, these workers organized and brought national attention to the plight of plantation workers. In 1903, Aliee Ball and her family moved to Hawai'i ffom Seattle. She was just 9-years-old at the time. Ball eventually heeame a scientist and, at the age of 23, created a revolutionary treatment for Hansen's Disease that significantly eased the suffering of Kalaupapa residents. Meanwhile, Nolle Smith helped to abolish poll taxes enabling more Kānaka Maoli and plantation workers to vote. As a legislator and Hawaiian language speaker, Smith promoted the use of the Hawaiian language in the 1930s. Dr. George Marion Johnson helped to establish the Richardson School of Law and Dr. Donnis Thompson helped establish the UH Rainbow Wahine sports program. Helene Hale was elected as the first female mayor in Hawai'i (in Hawai'i County) and helped secure county support for the Merrie Monarch Festival. From royal advisors to scholars to Mauna Kea kia'i, the Black diaspora, along with Kānaka Maoli with Black ancestry, continue a legacy of solidarity and trailblazing. ■ Readers interested in learning more about the contributions of Ēlaek people in Hawai'i should read "Ihey Followed the Trade Winds: African Americans in Hawai'i" edited by Miles M.Jackson.