Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2023 — Wehea ka Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi Directory of Hawaiian Language Translators Launches [ARTICLE]
Wehea ka Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi Directory of Hawaiian Language Translators Launches
Submitted by Kanaeokana and the Oouneil for Native Hawaiian Advancement
Ika lā 'ekahi o Pepeluali nei, ua wehea he paena punaewele hou i kapa 'ia 'o Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi. He wahi ia me ka papa inoa o nā mea unuhi olelo Pelekānia a i ka olelo Hawai'i me ka unuhi ho'i 'o ka olelo Hawai'i a i ka Pelekānia. Nui 'ino ka 'imi 'ana i ka unuhi olelo Hawai'i i kēia mau lā no laila, he kōkua ia paena no ka lehulehu. Ma o nei papa kuhikuhi, na ka mea ho'ohana e 'imi a loa'a me ka wikiwiki i nā loea a po'e mākaukau i ka unuhi no nā pāhana like 'ole. Wahi a ke kānāwai Mokuna 321C HRS he mea pono ka unuhi i kekahi mau palapala kūhelu o ke aupuni no laila, he kōkua kēia no ke aupuni i ka huli 'ana i po'e unuhi. He kālena like 'ole ko ua po'e unuhi lā i hiki ke kōkua aku i ka mea ho'ohana me nā mea pili i ke a'o a ho'ona'auao ho'i, nā lepili/hō'ailona/papa ho'olaha me nā mea pāpaho pāheona ho'i. 'O ka pahuhopu o nei papa kuhikuhi 'o ia ke kāko'o 'ana i ka ulu 'ana o ka olelo Hawai'i ma ka pae'āina. Ma muli o ka ulu 'ana a'e o ka heluna o ka po'e olelo Hawai'i, ua ulu pū a'ela ka pono e laha ka olelo Hawai'i ma kēia nohona o ke au nei. 'O ia ho'i ka ho'okuluma 'ōlelo Hawai'i. Na CNHA i 'ike maka i ka nui o nā noi a ke aupuni me nā pā'oihana i ka po'e unuhi i kēia mau makahiki aku nei. No laila, 'o ka Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi kekahi ala e kōkua i ko kākou kaiāulu. Na ke mea ho'ohana e 'imi pono i ka po'e unuhi kūpono no kāna pāhana. He kālena kikoŪ ko ka po'e unuhi a pau a na ka mea ho'ohana e kūkākūkā pololei me ka po'e unuhi e 'ike pono i ia kālena me ka hō'oia 'ana inā ho'okō 'ia nō ka makemake no kā ia ala pāhana. Aia ka 'ike ka'a launa no kēlā me kēia mea unuhi ma ka papa kuhikuhi. He pāhana 'o Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi na CNHA lāua 'o Kanaeokana. Na lāua e mālama i ka paena punaewele no ke kaiāulu. Inā he nīnau kāu, e leka uila iā advocaey@kanaeokana.net a e kipa i ka Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi ma https:// poeunuhi.net/. ■
Feb. 1, 2023, welcomes the launeh of web-based Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi - a directory of Hawaiian language translators. Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi will provide a plaee for individuals, businesses, and government agencies to locate Hawaiian language translation professionals. Users of Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi will be able to quickly identify businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives that provide translation services for a variety of technical and vital documents, including documents subject to translation under language access laws such as Chapter 321C, Hawai'i Revised Statutes. Translation of educational materials, signage, and creative media products ean also be provided by several of the translators in the directory. The goal of the directory is to help meet the growing demand for Hawaiian language translation services and consultations both big and small. This is a result of the growth in the number of Hawaiian language speakers and the need to have Hawaiian language featured more prominently in the everyday lives of residents. The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA), one of the creators of the directory, has noted an uptick in demand from government agencies in search of translators for government documents and services in the last several years. Users of Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi ean scroll for a translator that meets their specific translation needs and contact the translators directly to make an inquiry. The expertise of eaeh translator is specific and unique just like the translation work being sought. Due diligence by the users of the directory should be taken to understand and properly vet the qualifications of the translator before being hired or contracted. The directory provides contact information for eaeh translator. Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi, is a collaborative project between CNHA and Kanaeokana. Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi is co-managed as a ffee service to the community. Inquiries regarding the directory ean be emailed to advocacy@kanaeokana.net. Please visit Papa Kuhikuhi Po'e Unuhi at https://poeunuhi.net. ■