Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 2, 1 February 2023 — Ma Hope Mākou o Lili'uokalani ma o ka 'Ōlelo We Stand Behind Lili'uokalani Through the Language [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ma Hope Mākou o Lili'uokalani ma o ka 'Ōlelo We Stand Behind Lili'uokalani Through the Language
Na Malia Nobrega-Olivera, Hawai'inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Eō mai e nā kūpuna, nā mākua, a me nā keiki; e nā kumu a me nā haumāna, e ka hū me ke anaina; e ka lāhui olelo ola, kani le'a mau ka leo aloha iā 'oukou pākahi. Ma ka lā hānau o ka Mōt 'o Lili'uokalani ma ka lā 2 o Kepakemapa 0 ka MH 2022, ua hui pū nā hoa olelo makuahine no 'elua lā ma kahi 'aha kūkā olelo Hawai'i 'o He 'Ōlelo Ola (www.anahuluolelohawaii.org). He papahana kēia ma lalo o kā UNESCO International Deeade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL). 'O ka pahuhopu nui, 'o ia no ka wānana like 'ana o kākou a pau, nā mamo o kēia olelo aloha nui 'ia, i ka pono a me ke ola mau o kā kākou olelo ma kēia mua aku ma luna o kēia mau hua nui he 'ehā mai kā UNESCO palapala nui mai 'o Global Action Plan of the IDIL2022-2032 (www.en.unesco.org/idil2022-2032/glo-balactionplan). No kēia makahiki mua, ua lawe 'ia he 'ehā o nā pahuhopu he 'umi i helu 'ia, a ua ho'āno hou 'ia i mea e launa a'e me ke ola o kākou ma Hawai'i nei. Ua 'ike 'ia ka waiwai o ka olelo Hawai'i i kā kākou mau hana, a me ke 'ano i ulu ai ka olelo no kēia mua aku. 'O nā pahuhopu 'ehā no kēia 'aha kūkā mua, 'o ia nō: • Ka 'Ōnaehana 'Aina 'Ōiwi • Ka Ho'ona'auao • Ka Pāpaho Kanaka • Ke Ola Lāhui Ma o ke kaulona pa'a 'ana i ia mau pahuhopu nui, a me ke kalelei 'ana aku i ka loa a me ka laulā o ka olelo Hawai'i ma kona 'ano e ola nei i kēia mau lā e kupu a'e ana nō kekahi mau mana'o no kēia nīnau nei: E nā hoa aloha 'ōlelo Hawai'i: 1 ka piha 'ana o ke anahulu he 10 makahiki, i hea ana ko kākou lāhui olelo ola? Mahalo nui i nā hoa ha'i olelo, nāna i pane i ke kāhea. Ma ka pānela 'Ōnaehana 'Aina 'Ōiwi 'o 'Anakala Earl Kawa'a me Ka'ea Lyons-Yglesias; ma ka pānela Ho'ona'auao 'o Puakea Nogelmeier, Pūlama Collier, me Ke'alohi Reppun; ma ka pānela Pāpaho Kanaka 'o Keola Donaghy, Maluhia States, Maui Bartlett, Kapuaonaona Roback, me Kamalani Johnson; a ma ka pānela Ola Lāhui 'o Tuti Kanahele, Puni Jackson, Tatiana Tseu Fox, me Kahaulahilahi Vegas. Ua olelo 'ia, "ua lehulehu a manomano nō ka 'ikena a ka Hawai'i," akā, ua 'ike pū kākou, "lehulehu a manomano nō" ka 'i'ini a ka Hawai'i e lilo pū 'o kākou nō ka ha'ina. Nui nā mo'olelo mai nā hoa ha'i olelo e wehewehe ana i kā lākou hana, me ka ho akāka 'ana i nā ala e kōkua ai ka olelo oiwi i kā lākou mau hana. A ho a'ia'i mai lākou i kā lākou mau hana e ho'oholomua ai i ka olelo no kēia mua aku a no nā hanauna e hiki mai ana. He mau kuleana ko kākou a pau: a he aha ana kā kākou hana ma ko kākou kū'ono ponoī e ho'oholomua ai i ka olelo aloha nui 'ia no kā kākou po'e keiki, a no ko kākou po'e kūpuna? ■
Hū ka le'ole'o i ka lohe 'ana i nō mo'olelo o ka pōpaho kōnaka. Ua lohe 'io nō mo'olelo a me ka 'eleu ho'i o nō hoa ha'i 'ōlelo 'o Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier, Keola Donaghy, Maluhia States, Maui Bartlett, Kapuaonaona Roback, me Kamalani Johnson. We had so mueh fun listening to the stories shared on the digital media empowerment panel. Eaeh of the panelists shared stories about their contribution through different types of media platforms. - Photos: 'Ōlelo Community Media
We are calling all of our elders, parents, and children; teachers, students, the commoners and citizens; to the people of our Hawaiian nation, this is a eall of aloha to eaeh and everyone one of you. On Sept. 2, 2022, the birthday of Queen Lili'uokalani, the Hawaiian language community gathered virtually for a two-day summit called He 'Ōlelo Ola (www.anahuluolelohawaii.org). This event is a part of the UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL). The main goal of the event was to discuss our collective vision for Hawaiian language revitalization for today and into the future looking specifically at four of the main objectives of the Global Action Plan of the IDIL2022-2032 (www.en.unesco.org/idil20222032/globalactionplan). For this first year, the committee chose four of the objectives and we translated it to fit our needs here in Hawai'i. We continue to see the value of the Hawaiian language in the work that we do and how it continues to grow. The four topic areas for 2022 were: • Indigenous Food Systems • Education • Digital Empowerment • Traditional Systems of Medicine Through observing and paying close attention to these four objectives, and listening closely to all that has been done in the past and how it continues to live on today, we asked all of our panelists and participants the question: At the end of this IDIL, where will we be in our language revitalization movement? We are so thankful for all of our panelists who answered the eall to be a part of He 'Ōlelo Ola. On the 'Ōnaehana 'Aina 'Ōiwi Panel 'Anakala Earl Kawa'a and Ka'ea Lyons-Yglesias; on the Education panel Puakea Nogelmeier, Pūlama Collier, and Ke'alohi Reppun; on the Digital Empowerment Panel Keola Donaghy, Maluhia States, Maui Bartlett, Kapuaonaona Roback, and Kamalani Johnson; and on the Traditional Systems of Medicine panel Tuti Kanahele, Puni Jackson, Tatiana Tseu Fox, and Kahaulahilahi Vegas. We have learned the saying, "great and numerous is the knowledge of the Hawaiian people," but we have also seen and heard the stories that "great and numerous" is the desire of Hawaiians to look within and be the solution. We heard so many stories about the great work being done in our community and how the Indigenous language of our people has helped the work that is being done. However, we also learned that the work we are doing in the eommunity is contributing to the revitalization of our language and culture for all the generations to eome. We all have a responsibility: what will we eaeh do in our daily life to ensure that this language we all love will continue to live on for our children and for all of our kūpuna? ■ Malia Nobrega-Olivera is the Pacific Indigenous Representative to the Global Steering Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) International Decade of Indigenous Languages ( IDIL ). For more information about IDIL go to www. idil2022-2032.org.
Ua kui lima no ke kaiaulu 'olelo Hawai'i no ka ho'oko 'ana i ke kuleana no kēia 'aha kūka mua 0 ke Anahulu 'Ōlelo 'Ōiwi. The Hawaiian language community eame together to make this lnternational Decade virtual event a success for all who participated.