Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2023 — BURIAL NOTICE: PAHOA AHUPUA'A NORTH KOHALA HAWAI'I [ARTICLE]
Notice to interested parties is given that a marked burial site is identified by lineal descendant Raynette Fukui during preservation of TMK (3)5-5-002:024. The headstones are: Malaea Kaioa Kalawaia Kapaona, Edward Kaanaana Kapaona, Keolaonalani Kaiawe Kekoi Kapaona, Olimpia Tampos, Edward Hugh Kapaona, and William Rocha. Per Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Section 6E-43 and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, these remains are eonsidered previously identified and have not been disturbed. Based on the marked headstones, they are over 50 years old and believed to be Native Hawaiians. Treatment of the remains will occur in accordance with HRS, Section 6E and HAR Chapter 13-300. The landowners proposed to preserve the burial site in plaee per Burial Treatment Plan SIHP# 50-10-02-31340 and in consultation with recognized descendants; however, the decision to preserve in plaee shall be made by Hawai'i Island Burial Council in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) and any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants. All persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these remains are requested to contact Raynette Fukui, (808) 969-3433, 710 LaHou St, Hilo, HI 96720 and/or Christian Omerod Hawai'i Island Burial Site Specialist at (808) 294-9573, DLNR, SHPD, 40 Pookela St, Hilo HI 96720. All interested parties shall respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/or provide information to SHPD demonstrating lineal descent from these specific Native Hawaiian remains, or cultural descent from ancestors onee residing or buried in the same ahupua'a. ■