Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 1, 1 January 2023 — 2022 OHA Oath of Office, Investiture and a New Year [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
2022 OHA Oath of Office, Investiture and a New Year
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! What an honor and a feeling of pride to experience my second OHA Oath of Office and Investiture Ceremony! This year's festivities commenced at Kawaiaha'o Church. It was so special to see everyone together, all to support OHA with the eelebration of the elected Board of Trustees.
What a wonderful program filled with oli, beautiful Hawaiian music by Amy Hānaiali'i Gilliom accompanied by Jeff Peterson, along with other talented singers, musicians, lovely hula, and the profound words of our speakers - from the young haumana Keali'inohomoku Wiehman of Ke Kula 'o Samuel Kamakau, to the words and song by Kahu Kenneth Makuakāne. It brought us all together, holding hands, singing in harmony with melodies and messages that filled this majestic church. Surrounded on this momentous day by family, friends, supporters, benevolent societies, Hawaiian civic clubs, legislators, dignitaries and many others with whom we collaborate, all under the loving gaze of our ali'i portraits, is a memory to behold. Congratulations to my colleagues! Together, we work in unity for the good of our people to bring our talents to-
gether - aloha kekahi i kekahi - aloha eaeh other, respectively sharing perspectives and mana'o. Come together with open minds, understanding, clarity, humility and aloha for the decisions made to see forth our mission to better the conditions our beloved Native Hawaiian people and with the values of our Mana i Mauli Ola Strategic Plan, through education, heahh, housing and eeonomie stability to improve our people's wellheing through our foundations of ii ig, 1111 \j ^-ig,ii uui luuuuauuiio iii
'ohana, mo'omeheu (culture) and aina (our lands and waters). With a new year comes a renewed focus on our objectives and goals. I'm honored to continue serving as the chair of the OHA Committee on Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment. I look forward to the 2023 Legislative Session and continuing our collaborative efforts to unloek the full potential of our Kaka'ako Makai property, Hakuone, and to continue the discussion of OHA receiving its share of the puhlie revenues ffom the Puhlie Land Trust, originally Native Hawaiian Crown and Government Lands. Mahalo in advance for your kōkua, support and testimony! Mahalo nui to everyone who attended the OHA Investiture and mahalo nui to all of the OHA staff and many others that made this event one to remember! I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous new vear! ■
Trustee Akaka and 'ohana with Amy Hānaiali'i Gilliom nt the OHA investiture - Photo: Joshuo Koh
Trustee Akaka and Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke "shaka" et the OHA investiture,- Photo: Courtesy
CE0 Hussey and Trustees Akaka, Wnihe'e, Trask and Board Chair Hulu Lindsey singing hand in hand adorned in lei hulu. - Photo: Joshuo Koh