Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 1, 1 January 2023 — The Dawning of a New Time [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The Dawning of a New Time


Aloha, 'Ohana. Many significant events heralded the closing of the 2022 year. On Hawai'i Island, Tūtū Pele and Poli'ahu appeared in unison, signaling the dawning of a new time. We also experienced the passing of many great Hawaiian leaders, who have been our guides, kumu and kūpuna. Among their number are Prin-

cess Kekaulike Kawānanakoa, Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli and Aunty Edith Leina'ala Kanaka'ole Floyd, the first born daughter of Kumu Hula Edith Kanaka'ole. I experienced these events with awe and great sadness. I was fortunate to have had a discussion with a kūpuna here in Hilo about these events. She told me this: "When our goddesseses Pele and Poliahu appear together (fire and iee emerge), it is an auspicious and significant time because the eruption opens a portal to the 'lewalani' (the pinnacles of the heavens) and the Akua looks down to behold the beauty of

the earth. When this occurs, spirits that are earthbound and preparing to depart, are freed to ascend through the portal and go home. In such times, we should remember that they go to join their 'aumakua and will harken and eome to kōkua and strengthen us when we eall them through prayer."How do we honor these Hawaiian leaders and kūpuna? By recalling their legacy and continuing their

advocacy for the protection of our aina and culture. It is the practice of aloha aina and mālama aina. As we greet the new year, let us reaffirm our eommiīment to these principles. In the coming year, when we pray "Nā 'Aumakua," we will invoke their strength and protection to advance our efforts to achieve justice for our people and the lāhui. We go forward. Mālama Pono, Mililani ■