Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 1, 1 January 2023 — Observations During Mauna Loa's Eruption [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Observations During Mauna Loa's Eruption

Many gods and goddesses appeared

For many cultural practitioners, unusual and increased elemental activity was observed on and around Hawai'i Island coinciding with the recent eruption ofMauna Loa whieh began on Nov. 27 and ended on Dec. 10. These specific reflections were shared by Kumu Hula Meleana Manuel ofHālau Hula Ke 'Olu Makani o Maunaloa. Manuel makes her home in Volcano. When Pele's powerful eruption started at Mauna Loa, huge waves crashing along the shore indicated the concurrent presence of Nāmakaokaha'i, goddess of the sea and an older sister of Pele. We also received an over-abundance of rain, reminding us that the waters of Kāne are life-giving and a precious resource that must be cared for. Meanwhile, on Mauna Kea, Poli'ahu blanketed the mountain in pure, white snow and sent cold winds around the island. Elsewhere, Lilinoe, goddess of the mist and sister to Poli'ahu, was present in a rolling fog of the sort that has not been experienced in a very long time. Off the Kona Coast, Kānehekili appeared as thunderstorms causing lightning to strike the seas in a rage that stirred eoneem. Kanaloa has also reminded us of his presence, eommanding the deep oeean and its powerful currents. We need to be mindful during this Makahiki season while swimming, fishing or journeying because the sea ean beeome "hungry." As both Kīlauea and Mauna Loa erupted in the night, Hina was visible as the moon rose between the two firey mountains. And it was La'amaomao, the goddess of the wind, who blew ash ffom the eruptions across the land. Meanwhile, Kamapua'a was also present, digging up our gardens and appearing in places he does not normally visit: Wright Road, Pana'ewa, Hilo Town. Digging and searching. Kahalaopuna showed up as the many double rainbows appearing in the skies over the island. Her rainbows suggest promises - but of what? The simultaneous appearance of three formidable akua wahine - Pele, Poli'ahu and Hina - was a magnificent display of mana wāhine. Although sometimes adversaries, the three in combination remind us of the important role of wāhine in procreation and life. The convergence of these deities at this time is not an aecident. Perhaps they are unhappy. Perhaps they are telling us we need to make things pono. Not just here on Moku o Keawe or Hawai'i Pae 'Aina, but in Ke Ao (the world). We must recognize that these are hō'ailona (signs) and pay attention. And it is a reminder of the power of nature and our insignificance; a reminder to be respectful and humhle. ■

In this photo tnken in lnte November from the vantage point of Hawai'i Volcanoes Nnhonnl Park, ū pool of lovo simmers in Holemo'umo'u (visible to the left), while in the distonce, Mouno Loo glows with fire. - Photo: Joyce lbasan

After sleeping for 28 yeors, Mouno Loo began erupting in Moku'ōweoweo Coldero on Nov. 21, 2022 just before midnight. Lovo flows extended 12 miles from the vents before the eruption ended on Dec. 10. - Plioto: Marl< Wasser