Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 1, 1 January 2023 — To Honor the Past and Elevate Hawaiian Culture and Values [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
To Honor the Past and Elevate Hawaiian Culture and Values
At Hakuone, its 30 acres of lond ot Kako'oko Mokoi, the Office of Howoiion Affoirs hopes to creote o gathering ploee in the center of Honolulu thot achieves o Hawaiian sense of plaee; an orea developed to meet the needs of our people, not tourists. Eorly visualizations of Hakuone include ample open spoce ond greenways featuring native and endemic plants, and o waterfront boordwolk on the Diamond Heod side along Kewolo Bosin (os shown in this rendering). Planned properly, Hakuone could heeome an "eeonomie engine" for our lōhui.