Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2023 — DR. NOA EMMETT 'AUWAE ALULI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Aluli wūs honored with ū Kulōio Aword in September 2020. Upon receiving the oword he sūid, "My service hos been blessed ond guided by kūpuno who bove, ond eonhnue to mentor ond support me, ond more importont, enrich my understonding of beolth beyond just the physicol. Wellbeing speoks to our mentol stote of mind, our sociol relotionships with fomily ond community, our culturol, spirituol ond intellectuol knowledge os HūWūiians in these poe 'ōino o Howoi'i, ond the long-term ecological health of our environment." - Photo: Courtesy

Continued from page 8 Kulu ka waimaka, mai ka Moku o Keawe a hiki i Ni'ihau o Kahelelani. He hali'a aloha nou, e Noa Emmett 'Auwae Aluli. A hui hou. ■ Ka lā o Hua, Makali'i ka mālama, approximately 122 people visited KaukaAluli's kupapa'u at O'ahu Ohapel and Mortuary in Nu'uanu. He i vas adorned in kino lau ofLono. Wehiwehi ke akua i ka lau nahele o ka 'āina. On this morning of Akua, in the malama ofMakali'i, he transitioned yet again. Ua momoku ā lehu i ke ahi a Lonomakua. Ho'olewa for Kauka Aluli will he on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 9:00 a.m. at Lanikeha Community Center in Ho'olehua; and on Saturday, March 4 at 10:00 a.m. at the John A. Burns School ofMedicine in Kaka'ako. Author's note: Mahalo toDr. Davianna McGregor, theAluli 'Ohana, the Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana, and Papa Ola Lōkahifor contributing the mana'o necessary to write this hali'a aloha for Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli. My husband and I first metEmmett as college students in San Francisco in 1982. Emmett was there to give a presentation about Kaho'olawe with Puanani Burgess and Bo Kahui. That meeting forever changed my life. Emmett's passionfor our kulāiwi, and for Kaho'olawe in particular, was inspirational. From Emmett I learned about aloha 'āina. He expanded my consciousness and changed my thinking. I will always remember his kindness, gentleness and great alohafor our people andfor our 'āina.