Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2022 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



MO'OLELO NUI | C0VER FEATURE Masters of Their Craft pagesioh BYCHERYLCHEETSUTSUMI Three Native Hawaiian craft beer brewers are making their mark in this growing industry using loeal ingredients and lots of creativity. KĀLAIHO'OKELE WAIWAI PA'A LOA | EC0N0MIC STABILITY lntroducing Hakuone pageg BY PUANANI FERNANDEZ-AKAMINE The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is moving forward with its vision for its 30 acres at Kaka'ako Makai in downtown Honolulu - beginning with a new name.


Kekemapa (December) 2022 | Vol. 39, No. 12 'ŌIWI-OWNEŪ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT A Thriving Kānaka-0wned Beekeeping Business gei2 by amee hi'ilawe neves Beekeepers Kai Hudgins and Kailin Kim and their keiki operate Ho'ōla, a bee removal and rescue business that also produces a variety of honeys and beeswax candles. Tourism Focused on Aloha 'Āina and 'lke Hawai'i pagei2 by ed mclaurin Noah Keola Ryan's Hale'iwa-based North Shore EcoTours promotes 'āina appreciation, respect for 'ike Hawai'i and sustainable communities. Fresh Cheese and ltalian Wine in the Heart of Honolulu page 20 BY ED MCLAURIN Donato and Desiree Loperfido are building on their vision to bring ltaly to Hawai'i with their import business, Flavors of ltaly, and their newly opened cafe, Bocconcino.