Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 12, 1 December 2022 — OHA's Ocean Policy Meetings and 2022 Year End Review [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA's Ocean Policy Meetings and 2022 Year End Review


As your OHA O'ahu Island Trustee and Chair of the Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment Committee, I had the pleasure of attending both of the well-attended OHA Oeean Policy meetings held on O'ahu at He'eia State Park and at the Nānākuli Puhlie Library. OHA also held Oeean Policy meetings across the pae aina and online to gather input from our heneh-

ciaries and the community to help bring forward OHA's goal to create innovative and effective oeean policies that reflect our cultural values and traditions and that ean surpass the current global standards of practice.

OHA will now eompile everyone's mana'o whieh will then guide our Advocacy Team to eome up with policies and guidelines that OHA will follow to ensure that the oeean surrounding our Hawaiian Islands is healthy and thriving for future generations to eome. Furthermore, the BAE Committee passed two resolutions earlier this year supporting Community Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) Designations and Rules for Miloli'i, Hawai'i and Kīpahulu, Maui. Guidelines for CBSFAs include a mixture of gear restrictions, bag limits and seasonal closures whieh enahle better care and restoration for the eeosystems that have provided sustenance for Native Hawaiians and our Hawai'i community.

The historic passing of OHA's Puhlie Land Trust (PLT) Bill is truly a highlight! I am incredibly proud of our diligent and collaborative work throughout the year, and prior, successfully advocating to receive more of the amount due to OHA for our beneficiaries. Mahalo nui to our community that advocated and testified in support of our PLT Bill. This is not just a win for the Ofhce of Hawaiian Affairs, this is a monumental win for our

Hawaiian people so that we ean provide more funding and additional services within our Hawaiian community in alignment with our strategic plan. Next year there will be a renewed focus to activate OHA's Kaka'ako Makai property and I humbly ask for your support again in the 2023 Hawai'i State Legislative Session. OHA has recently begun its advocacy efforts for Kaka'ako Makai by attending and presenting at the 2022 Association of Hawaiian Civic Club Convention. It was uplifting to receive support from stakeho!ders and our civie clubs ffom the State of Hawai'i along with civic clubs from the continent. We continue to ramp up our efforts going into next year's Legislative Session to unloek the full potential of our lands.

I wish you the very best during this holiday season. Enjoy the precious time that is shared with 'ohana and friends as we recharge and get ready for another busy and exciting year! Mele Kalikimaka a Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! ■

Kaleihikina Akaka Trustee, O'ahu

Trustee Akako and her 'ohana ūt the OHA Oeean Pelicy Meeting ūt He'eiū Stote Pork in Kōne'ohe. - Photos: Comtesy

(L-R) OHA boord Choir Cormen, "Hulu" Lindsey, Trustee Akoko ond OHA CE0 Dr. Sylvio Hussey celebrote the possing of the PLT Bill ot the Howoi'i Stote Copitol.