Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2022 — LEHUA J. (SANORIA) ITOKAZU [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



Board Secretary Board of Trustees 10 years at OHA FROM: Moku o Keawe (mokupuni) Puna (moku) Keonepoko (ahupua'a) EDUCATION: • Pāhoa High School • University of Hawai'i - Hilo

What is your kuleana at OHA? I serve the lāhui behind the scenes. Some of my kuleana at work includes scheduling and coordinating regular Board of Trustee meetings and meetings with our community. I record meetings and take minutes. I like to tell myself that these small acts ofkuleana are helping topreserve history and ean be used as a reference point in thefuture. Why did you choose to work at OHA? I started my adventure with OHA when Trustee Hulu Lindsey offered me an opportunity tojoin her staff. It was soon after that I realized the magnitude of kuleana OHA hasfor its beneficiaries. I am thankful to have the opportunity to have resources available to share with others and humbled to serve our lāhui. What is the best thing about working at OHA? The best thing about working at OHA has definitely been the people I have worked with and met in our community. They are the individuals who advocate and championfor our lāhui daily. What is something interesting for people to know about you? Something interesting thatpeople may not know about me is thatl have traveled to over 33 countries and have volunteered to work on flights that assisted refugees out ofLebanon. Who has been your role model? My parents are my role models. Throughout my life they have exemplified that working hard is the only option, taking care ofyour kuleana is expected, andfollowing through on your word is one ofthe most important qualities to have. I am thankfulfor the home they providedfor me that was always filled with love. What is your best OHA memory? Too many memories to mention but just a few that stand out are the funny skits that our different paia ( departments ) would perform during our holiday gatherings, our rallies at the capitol, and the Board staff serenading our offices on May Day. ■