Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 11, 1 November 2022 — An Open Love Letter to the Native Hawaiian Education Act [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
An Open Love Letter to the Native Hawaiian Education Act
Part 2 of 2 By Elena Farden History lives not in books, but in the very lining of our skin and blood. The longer my journey in the Native Hawaiian Education Council (NHEC), the more I eome to understand my larger and deeper connection to our language and to one another. This might be a given in your immediate circle of relations, but I'm referring to the interwoven stories of muhiple layers of relations that ean happen over time and space. Often these woven connections are revealed to us when we step back and are able to fully see all the tiny miracles that had to happen in order for us to be standing exactly where we are. Here. This is my open love letter to the Native Hawaiian Education Act for my identity and knowledge journey. 1994: CREATION OF A COUNCIL In 1994, 1 am now a freshman in eollege and the first of my family to pursue a college degree. The state of Native Hawaiian educational attainment during this time has somewhat improved. Nine percent of Native Hawaiians now hold a college degree and 19.2% earned a high school diploma. In this same year, the Native Hawaiian Education Act (NHEA) was up for reauthorization. New language was included that reflected the needs shared by current grantee programs for a coordinating entity "to ensure quality, accountability, coordination and self-determination in all educational efforts for Native Hawaiians." During the Senate Committee
on Indian Affairs hearing with NHEP grantee representatives of David Sing, Nāmaka Rawlins, and Robert Springer, Chairman Inouye asks if the grantees are opposed to the creation of a eouneil. Nāmaka Rawlins responds: Is anybody opposed ? No, I'm not opposed...however, I think there is the language in making sure that the representation, how they are selected, and if we ean be reassured that the eouneil is made up ofso many percent ofNative Hawaiians are on it...We need to have speakers on the eouneil too so that as we are growing, our needs need to be reflected on the eouneil. And growing we are - in our work, in our advocacy, and in our language! In coming to NHEC I would then have the opportunity to work and learn fr om Nāmaka as a eouneil member, along with many others who have placed the pōhaku on this kahua. As I continue to grow with and within the organization, I know I am weaving more strands and stories for the next NHEC generation. My hope is that one day they will find this article and know that this love letter is also for them. To the next generation, there is a whole lāhui that has been preparing for your arrival and your success even before your birth. You, Kanaka, are destined for the highest achievements! ■ Elena Farden serves as the executive director for the Native Hawaiian Education Council, established in 1994 under the Native Hawaiian Education Act, with responsibility for coordinating, assessing, recommending and reporting on the effectiveness of educational programs for Native Hawaiians and improvements that may be made to existing programs, policies, and procedures to improve the educational attainment ofNative Hawaiians. Elena is a first-generation college graduate with a BS in telecommunications from Pepperdine University, an MBAfrom Chaminade University and is now in her first year ofa doctorate program.