Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2022 — Mental Health Technician Training at WCC [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mental Health Technician Training at WCC

Windward Community College is offering a new certificate for mental health technicians By Bonnie J. Beatson, WCC Marketing and Puhlie Relations Director Trained mental health technicians are in demand in Hawai'i, and a new certificate that ean be completed in just one semester at Windward Community College (WCC) is aimed to grow that workforce. WCC's mental heahh technician certificate of eompetence provides training for those entering the field of mental health services or an enhancement for those currently working within the mental or behavioral heahh fields. The nine-credit program prepares students to work as assistants to mental heahh professionals in institutional settings, such as the Hawai'i State Hospital. Recently, WCC and the Hawai'i Department of Heahh (DOH) recognized two graduates who earned a mental heahh technician certificate of competence. Jacqueline Turner and Cristine Lucas, both of whom work at the Hawai'i State Hospital, completed their certificates in spring 2022. "I have been working in mental heahh for 25 years, and this certificate is my greatest achievement. I learned so mueh more," said Turner. "I'm old school, and Windward Community College gives you all the assistance that you need with technology. I am so grateful for that!" In spring 2023, WCC is offering the mental heahh technician certificate of competence via a series of three

online courses that ean be completed in just one semester - with tuition assistance available for up to three free classes. Upcoming Info Session An information session via Zoom to learn more about the certificate, how to apply, financial assistance and aeademic support will take plaee on Wednesday, Nov. 23, from noon to 1:00 p.m. Interested students ean register at http://go.hawaii.edu/2Ng. Ha'aheo Pagan, career and transfer counselor, ean assist with the application process and class registration. He ean be contacted at paganj@hawaii.edu or (808) 2357460. Building an £ducational Pathway "When Sen. (Jarrett) Keohokalole brought Dr. (Run) Heidelberg and myself together to discuss how we might build an educational pathway for the Hawai'i State Hosphal, it was an opportunity to support our institutions, our employees, and care for mental illness in Hawai'i," said Windward CC Chancellor Ardis Eschenberg. "These first graduates are our hope for increased quality of care and expanded career opportunities in mental heahh for community members. I look forward to seeing this program and its impact grow." Mental heahh technicians are in demand at the Hawai'i State Hospital, Hina Mauka, elder care homes and through referrals from Windward Heahh Center, Hawai'i Department of Education, heahh care organizations and DOH. So far, there 51 students have signed up for the certificate classes.

"This is great news for the Windward side! To have WCC and the Hawai'i State Hospital collaborate on this partnership just makes sense. Our students gain access to career pathways here where they live, and our eommunity gains mueh needed expertise in mental heahh," said Keohokalole. Added Hawai'i State Hospital Administrator Heidelberg, "We want to be the leader in mental heahh in Hawai'i."B

For more information about the mental heahh certification program go to: https://windward.hawaii.edu/programs-of-study/mental-health-technician/. To learn more about other educational programs at WCC go to: https://windward. hawaii.edu/.

D0H, WCC, and community leaders celebrate the first Mental Health īeehnieian Certificate of Competence graduates, Cristine Lucas and Jacqueline Turner. - Photo: Courtesy