Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 10, 1 October 2022 — O'ahu Water Protectors Rally in D.C. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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O'ahu Water Protectors Rally in D.C.

Last monlh o small delegation of four representatives from O'aho Water Protectors (OWP) flew to Washington, D.C., to participate in a SAFE (Scientists, Activists and Families for Cancer Free Environments) rally on Sept. 20. The delegotion wūs given time to speak ot the rally and they osed their time to hring attention to what is happening here on O'ahu ot KapūKūkī (Red Hill). Representing OWP were Bronson Azama, Keoni DeFranco, Miehael lnouye and Gina Peterson. While in D.C., the OWP delegation met with Hawai'i congressional representatives Kai Kahele and Ed Cose. Memhers of the delegation are pictured in front of the White House with a few supporters. - Photo: Miehael lnouye