Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 10, 1 October 2022 — Ko'olaupoko's “Distinguished Kama'āina” [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ko'olaupoko's “Distinguished Kama'āina”

By Mahealani Cypher Three hard-working community leaders have been recognized by the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club as Distinguished Kama'āina of Ko'olaupoko during an awards presentation on September 5. According to club Pelekikena Leialoha "Rocky" Kaluhiwa, the recognition marks the 60th presentation of this recognition of individuals, families or organizations who have demonstrated service "above and beyond" to the moku of Ko'olaupoko, the Hawaiian people, or the Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club. The award recipient were Hi'ilei Kawelo of Paepae o He'eia, who has led the stewardship of the He'eia loko i'a for many years and shared her knowledge and expertise with thousands of volunteers over the years; Kanekoa Kukea-Shultz of Kāko'o 'Ōiwi, who has reopened over 400 acres of lo'i kalo farmland in the 'ili of Hoi, restoring the area to food productivity, while training and engaging many young families and groups to start their own lo'i on this 'āina; and Herb Lee, Jr., of the Pacific-American Foundation, who spearheaded the restoration of Waikalua loko i'a and developed eultural education programs that reached students at 150 schools and over 6,000 teachers over the past years. Kaluhiwa noted that all three honorees have been particularly skilled at combining traditional Hawaiian cultural practices with modern scientific approaches to steward the aina. The club also recognized four members for service to the club in 2021 and 2022 with the Helen C. Kane award: Bronson Kainoa Azama, Cathy Werner, Ardis Eschenberg and Kristi Kaluhiwa. ■

(L-R) Mūhealūni Cypher, owords choir; Distinguished Komo'āino honorees Kanekoo Kukea Shultz of Kōko'o 'Ōiwi; Hi'ilei Kawelo of Poepoe o He'eio; ond Herb Lee, Jr., of Woikoluo Loko l'o; ond KHCC Pelekikeno Leioloho "Rocky" Koluhiwo.

(L-R) Helen C. Kone honorees Ardis Eschenberg and Kristi Koluhiwo for 2022; Cothy Werner ond Bronson Koinoo Azomo for 2021; with KHCC Pelekikeno Leioloho "Rocky" Koluhiwo. Awords choir Moheoloni Cypher is behind the podium.- Photos: Courtesy