Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 10, 1 October 2022 — What is your kuleana at OHA? [ARTICLE]

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What is your kuleana at OHA?

I serve our lāhui by providing administrative support to the executive office ( the CEO, COO and other leaders) as well as to all other OHA staff. I am part of an amazing team that provides a wide range of support services. I process payments, assist in coordinating and setting upfor events, help with stafftravel arrangements and mueh more. Being ahle toprovide these services within OHA helps our staffbetter serve our Native Hawaiian community. Why did you choose to work at OHA? Ifelt this was my calling. Volunteering in my Native Hawaiian community in Waimānalo for over 10 years, I have always wanted to serve more Native Hawaiian communities. Working at OHA gives me an opportunity to dojust that. What is the best thing about working at OHA? The best thing is the people that I get to work with. Being ahle to share a eommon interest, mission and vision to align with isjust an amazingfeeling. Being able to learn about all the benefits that OHA provides to our people is unbelievable. What is something interesting for people to know about you? I was adopted by my grandmother. My mother andfather were very young when they had me and chose different paths in life that did not include me or any ofmy siblings. I was put into the CPS system because ofthose choices. Growing up with no parent figures was rough. Overcoming thatfeeling, and becoming theparent thatlam today, is everything to me. Another thing is that I hope to one day complete my college degree in puhlie administration. Who has been your role model? My grandmother, my mama, Moana Akana, is my role model. She was an educated Native Hawaiian woman who taught me values and unconditional love. She is the reason why Ifell in love with serving my Native Hawaiian community in Waimānalo. She taught me to be a leader and to serve with a purpose. What is your best OHA memory? My most memorable moment sofar was posingfor the cover ofKa Wai Ola newspaper. My expression was very serious and that made it memorablefor me. I am very new to OHA, so to be a part ofthis was an honor. ■