Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2022 — Walk to the Box Rally [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Walk to the Box Rally


Monuwoi Peters of Konoeokono ploces his bollot into the bollot box ot Honolulu Hole. - Photo: Joshuo Koh

A rally to encourage the Hawaiian community to vote and be civically engaged was held on King Street across from 'Iolani Palaee on August 1. Participants waived signs then walked together to the ballot box at Honolulu Hale to drop ofF their primary election ballots and listen to speakers representing event organizers. A similar event organized by Native Hawaiian students, eommunity organizations and leaders was held in Hilo on August 11. The campaign is non-parti-san and does not promote any individual, political party or candidate. The goal is to encourage Native Hawaiians across the state to vote and to be civically engaged citizens and leaders in their own communities. "We continue to encourage Native Hawaiians to run for office, register to vote, learn about the issues, understand the gravity of decisions made at the polls, and cast a vote during elections," said Hailama Farden, president of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. Organizers plan to continue "Walk to the Box" events in late October as voters begin receiving their general election ballots in the mail. If you are interested in participating or organizing a "Walk to the Box" event in your eommunity contact Ka Leo O Nā 'Ōpio (KONO) at info@kaleoonaopio. org.

"Walk to the Box" is a eollective effort of Kamehameha Schools, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Ka Leo O Nā 'Ōpio, Papa Ola Lōkahi, Native Hawaiian Education Council, Kanaeokana, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, and Ka 'Umeke Kā'eo Puhlie Charter School.