Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2022 — DHHL Grant Opportunity for Nonprofits Serving Homesteads [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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DHHL Grant Opportunity for Nonprofits Serving Homesteads


By Cedric Duarte E1 DFPARTMENTOF IIAWAIIAN IIOMF I.ANDS The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) has announeed the availability of $8.5 million for its Community Development Grants Program, part of DHHL's Native Hawaiian Development Program Plan. The purpose of the NHDPP is to improve the general welfare and eonditions of native Hawaiians through edueation, eeonomie, politieal, soeial, eultural, and other programs. As part of the Native Hawaiian Development Program Plan, DHHL makes annual grant funding available to nonprofit organizations that demonstrate a purpose to benefit native Hawaiians. For Fiseal Year 2023, the Hawai'i State Legislature alloeated $10 million in State General Funds to the NHDPP, of whieh $7.5 million was designated by the Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) to the Community Development Grants Program. The other $2.5 million was set aside by the commission for repair and maintenance projects within the homelands. At its June meeting, the HHC approved a $1 million allocation from the Native Hawaiian Rehabilitation Fund as an additional funding source for the Department's Community Development Grants Program. The 1978 Constitutional

Convention created NHRF to hnanee activities intended to exclusively benefit native Hawaiians. DHHL has offered grants in several program areas over the years to implement the rehabilitation fund's community development component. Grant offerings reflect DHHL priorities and community interests. With this $8.5 million solicitation, DHHL seeks proposals across four areas that will promote healthy and thriving native Hawaiian homestead eommunities. Grant proposals shall improve existing facilities on Hawaiian Home Lands, build community capacity, or enhanee and implement programs and services in homestead communities. Submissions for this grant cycle may cover a broad range of areas including, eeonomie development, food security, community safety, and heahh and wellbeing. In addition, the projects sought shall be beneficiary-driven, and the assistance provided should benefit beneficiaries. All applications must include a description of processes that seek to address projects that specifically address this solicitation's purpose. Proposed projects may include any potential or existing project listed as a Regional Plan Priority that the HHC approved. Any nonprofit organization may apply for DHHL's Fiscal Year 2023 Community Development Grants Program, with final grant applications due on Oct. 6, 2022. For additional details and more information, visit dhhl.hawaii.gov/grants. ■ Cedric R. Duarte is the Information & Community Relations Officer for the Department ofHawaiian Home Lands. He has worked in communications and marketing since 1999 and is a longtime event organizer. A product of Kamehameha Schools and the University ofHawai'i at Mānoa, he resides in 'Aiea with his wife and two daughters.