Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2022 — Teaching the Next Generation of Land Stewards [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Teaching the Next Generation of Land Stewards
Kindergarten students from Hūu'uIū Elementary's Kulo Kaiapuni toke port in protocol before entering Maunnwiln. In this wnhi pnnn turned outdoor clnssroom, hnumnnn learn culture, history, science and lnnguoge and cultivote pride in their community. - Photos: Joshuo Koh
Hou'ulo Elementory School Principol U'iloni Koitoku helps two kindergarten houmōno foshion kūpe'e from ti-leof. Koitoku says that having students work together on the land ot Mounowilo hos helped to chonge the overall school dimote for the better.
A partnership between Hawai'i Lanel Trust and Hau'ula Elementary School is helping to connect keiki to the 'āina By Puanani Fernandez-Akamine In rural 0'ahu's quiet coastal community of Hau'ula is the little known wahi pana (storied plaee) of Maunawila. On Wednesday mornings, the peaceful country road that leads to Maunawila is alive with the excited chatter of keiki walking from nearby Hau'ula Elementary School to attend class at what has heeome a unique outdoor extension of their school, thanks to a eollahoration between Hawaiian nonprofit Hawai'i Land Trust (HILT) and Hau'ula Elementary School Principal U'ilani Kaitoku. Known formally as the Maunawila Heiau Complex, the 9-acre land parcel, purchased by HILT in 2014, is a short walk ffom Hau'ula Elementary School. Over the years, as the relationship between HILT and Hau'ula Elementary evolved, Maunawila was gradually incorporated into the school's curriculum and utilized as an outdoor classroom. This relationship was formalized in 2021 with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement - whieh was fast-tracked to some extent by the onset of the pandemic. "Kids are already disconnected from the aina because of technology but COVID-19 exacerbated the problem," said HILT CEO Laura Kaakua. "There were no field trips. Students were isolated at home learning on eomputer screens. "Given the growing emphasis on and adoption of ai-na-based education in schools across the pae aina, in 2020 we pivoted and revised our strategic plan to focus our work on reconnecting people to aina." Maunawila is one of seven land preserves that HILT stewards across the pae aina. There are also three on Maui, two on Kaua'i and one on Hawai'i Island. Altogether, HILT has protected nearly 22,000 acres ffom development. After revising their strategic plan, HILT reached out to area schools proposing the idea of creating MOUs to cut through the paperwork for teachers and school administrators who want to access the land on a regular basis to meet curriculum objectives. Kaitoku was the first school principal to seize the opportunity. Formalizing the partnership with an MOU has allowed Hau'ula Elementary School kumu and haumāna the flexibility to access the property as needed without all the red-tape. "We really appreciate this partnership. It's been a wonderful experience for the keiki and for
our whole school," said Kaitoku. 'And as we help to renew and establish Maunawila, we're finding that there's a component of revitalization and renewal within eaeh of us. We eome here to work not realizing that we're actually working on ourselves; as we give back, we're also benefitting." The benefits to the school and its students are evident to Kaitoku and her staff. They have seen students who struggle in the traditional classroom setting blossom and heeome leaders among their peers at Maunawila. Moreover, the experience of the haumāna working together on the land has helped to changed the overall school climate. Kaitoku notes that school attendance is great - especially on "Maunawila days." "Students may not do well in school in certain subject areas, but at Maunawila they're masters, they're inventors, they're creative," said Kaitoku. "Being there allows them to explore more of who they are as a learner. They are learning 'ike in areas like science, history, language, culture - and their reverence to it all is fascinating. ' And when we go back to school it translates. You ean see the kids becoming more aware of helping others. They are seeing eaeh other differently like, 'hey everyone is not like me, but when we're working together, we ean accomplish great things.' The culture of the school has shifted." The larger community is also benefitting. There are community workdays and Maunawila is open to the puhlie 24/7. And HILT also offers summer internship programs for high school students and young adults to teach wahi kūpuna stewardship practices. "Before, this site was overgrown and kind of thought of as a spooky plaee," Kaakua laughed. "Now this whole area is full of kids and interns and their families. The students are really proud to show their 'ohana all the sites around the property and tell the stories about this plaee. It's establishing their identity and pride in being from Hau'ula." SEE TEACHING THE NEXT GENERATI0N ON PAGE 11
Stūff from the Hawaiian lsland Land Trust indude (l-r): Assistant Sheo Tamura, CE0 Laura Kaakua, Kumu Mamo Leoto, and Kumu Mahealani Keo.
Continued from page 10 HILT's new strategic plan has also resulted in some internal changes. "We protect and steward lands - and teach the next generation to do the same - but we can't do that unless we're working directly with teachers in the classrooms and the schools," said Kaakua. "So we now have more educators on stafF than anything - and they are working directly with kumu at the school to plan curriculum and provide instruction." Engaging educators from within the community is important to the success of the program. HILT staff at Maunawila include Mamo Leota, Mahealani Keo, Ewaliko Leota and Olivia Wallaee, all of whom are from Hau'ula. Their pilina (relationship) to the keiki and the 'āina is an invaluable asset. "I'm born and raised here in this community and I see the struggles of the families who are ffom here, so for me it's important to give these kids a reason to love home and to have a space to eome to just regenerate their kino (bodies) so they ean face everyday challenges - it's someplace safe to find healing and learn culture and give service to the community that they are a part of," said Mamo Leota. Keo has been with HILT for five years and reflects on the progress that has been made in that short space
of time. "The eommunity involvement has been a blessing. Reopening this plaee, teaching the different mo'olelo, and connecting our people here in this community to this beautiful, healing space. People eome here and always leave feeling more at peaee." In this new school year, Kaakua is hoping HILT will be able to formalize part- ' nerships with at least two
other elementary schools - one on Maui and one on Kaua'i. "We have these longstanding relationships, but if we ean just cut down on the paperwork we ean make it easier for the schools to bring their students to the aina. That's our goal. This is not our land. This is the eommunity's land." Having access to a protected wahi pana rich with eulture and history has transformed learning for keiki in Hau'ula. "Working at Maunawila has given the kids the tools to ask questions about the land and about themselves - and who they are as learners, caretakers and stewards," said Kaitoku. "We want students to be able to develop these skill sets because every member of our community needs to understand their kuleana.
"And it goes further than that. We want these keiki to realize their potential and the impact that they ean make on the world." ■ Hawai'i Land Trust is a nonprofit that currently stewards 21,892 acres of land on five islands. Their strategy is to purchase land to protect it from development, to preserve Hawaiian cultural landscapes, and to provide places to grow food through traditional, sustainable fartning. The three pillars of their work are: protect, steward and eonnect. Their work includes ecosystem restoration (removing invasive species, planting native species), historic site restoration, and creating opportunities for the community to interact with the 'āina. For more information go to: www. hilt.org.
Kumu Mamo Leoto shores 'ike with the houmōno obout Mounowilo Heiou (visible just behind her). HILĪ kumu work with Hou'ulo Elementory School kumu to develop curriculum, plon lessons ond deliver instruction. - Photos: Joshua Koh