Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2022 — LT Releases Kupukupu Wellbeing App for Kamali'i! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LT Releases Kupukupu Wellbeing App for Kamali'i!


By Trenton Manson Learning the skills we need as adults - such as managing our time, setting goals, and understanding our own emotions - ean be difficult. Lili'uokalani Trust (LT) has developed an exciting new phone app called Kupukupu to help kamali'i do this. The app is a safe, easy to use tool designed for kamali'i in middle school and older. Kupukupu includes a calendar and to-do-list, a self-assessment for halaneing wellbeing, a journaling feature, and a series of LT Pono Activities. The information entered by users is stored only on their devices so their potentially confidential data is not transmitted over the internet. The Kupukupu app was developed over the last two years with the input of kamali'i participating in LT programs as well as LT youth workers. We are excited that it is now available for download, not just for kamali'i served by LT, but also the general puhlie. LT's vision is Nā Kamalei Lupalupa, kamali'i who live abundant and thriving lives. Our goal for this app is to provide them with a tool that is both engaging and supports their growth. Creating an app for kamali'i allows us to reach this generation of "digital natives" via their phones to help them strengthen their cultural identity and healthy habits. The app is also intended to promote their overall ea (self determination) and sense of agency. Today, kamali'i face unprecedented uncertainty in the future and are highly "plugged" into technology. The Kupukupu app is also meant to help counter-balance some of the negative

impacts of social apps. A key feature of the app is a self-rated wellbeing score that kamali'i ean use to assess their wellbeing and to access suggestions for activities to help them to achieve a balanee that matches their personal needs and goals.

A screenshot of Lili'uokoloni Trust's new Kupukupu opp. Photo: Lī To learn more and to download the Kupukupu app, visit our website at www.onipaa.org. ■ Trenton Manson is the managerfor Data Science at Lili'uokalani Trust. He was raised in Kailua, O'ahu, and has an M.S. in data sciencefrom Southern Methodist University.