Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2022 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



MO'OLELO NUI | C0VER FEATURE Aloha Rising: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results pagesiz 29 INTR0DUCTI0N BY PUANANI FERNANDEZ-AKAMINE Candidates vying for the office of governor and for five 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustee seats respond to Ka Wai Ola survey questions. KĀLAIHO'OKELE WAIWAI PA'A L0A | EC0N0MIC STABILITY Pursuing Energy lndependence on Moloka'i pagese-7 BY CHERYL C0RBIELL Two community-based groups have joined forces to plan for and build renewable energy projects on Moloka'i in an effort to be 100% energy independent. le

'Aukake (August) 2022 | Vol. 39, No. 08

MO'OMEHEU | CULTURE Eddie Kamae Songbook: A Musical Journey paeee BY MYRNA KAMAE A digital songbook featuring a eolleehon of 34 songs especially meaningful to the musical journey of Eddie Kamae is now available. MO'OMEHEU | CULTURE The Storied Places of Lāna ' i p, ,E BY ADAM KEAWE MANAL0-CAMP Lāna'i is an island deeply rooted within Hawaiian spaces and history - a land full of storied places where gods and kings dwelt.