Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2022 — Brickwood Galuteria [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Brickwood Galuteria

Age | 66 Occupation | Retired Hawai'i State Senator, Businessman Where did you grow up | Honolulu, O'ahu Schooling | Kamehameha Schools/Pacific University/Harvard School of Government Current residence | Honolulu, O'ahu Website | n/a

1 1 As a Hawai'i State senator from 2008 through 2018, I've served alongside other dedicated puhlie servants, all trained to analyze and understand issues, evaluate different ideas and positions, and produce solutions that work for the greater good. I will bring to OHA the knowledge of governance, the subtleties of how government works, and the give-and-take required when crafting puhlie policy. In addition, I've proudly served on the boards of the Hawai'i Academy of Recording Arts, Hawai'i Book and Music Festival, Polynesian Voyaging Society, Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame, Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program, Hawai'i Speeial 01ympics, Hawai'i Association of Retarded Citizens, and Life Foundation (HIV/AIDS Organization). I presently serve as

a Kawaiaha'o Church trustee and member of the O'ahu Island Burial Council. 2 | KŪPUNA POWER. During my first term as state senator, I created a platform with muhiple tracks to educate and empower Hawai'i's elderly. Kūpuna Power serves as a gateway to Hawai'i's aging network - connecting older adults to vital community services. Tracks include Kūpuna Power TV - a 30 min. talk and info show aired on HNN/KHNL/ K5, WeAreKupuna.com, Kūpuna Power Facebook, Kūpuna Power YouTube, Kūpuna Power Instagram and Ihe Kūpuna Power (KP) Network of Partners. 3 | I was known as a lawmaker and Senate leader (majority and caucus leader) you could rely on to be fair, responsible, productive, prudent, always conducting oneself in businesslike manner and social when appropriate. Creating policy is a complex visionary process. Fiscally, as a former member of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, I have been actively involved with crafting the state's annual multi-billion-dollar budget. My experience in puhlie service demonstrates social and political understanding. 4 | Collaboration is essential between the following groups in the Kānaka Maoli eommunity. Firstly, align the Native Hawaiian Chambers of Commerce association with two longstanding and well respected Native Hawaiian organizations: Ihe Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC) and the Royal Benevolent Societies i.e., Ihe Royal Order of Kamehameha, 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu, Hale o Nā Ali'i, etc. Add the ali'i (royal) trusts: Ihe Kamehameha Schools, Lili'uokalani Trust, Queen's Heahh Care Systems, and Lunalilo Trust to the allianee. Ihis continues to cast a wider unified net for civic engagement further strengthening Native Hawaiian eeonomie stability. The Department of Hawaiian Homelands and the nonprofit Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement advocate for Native Hawaiians on both the state and federal levels, are considered powerful voices for Native eeonomie stability and will be added to the hui. Ihe final group is the Native Hawaiian faith-based organizations beginning with the Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches (AHEC), a part of the nationwide United Church of Christ...the first collective group to offer a formal apology to the Hawaiian people for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the United States in 1893. Ihe sheer numbers of Hawaiians civically engaged through this allianee will impact and strengthen the eeonomie stability of Native Hawaiians and all people of Hawai'i. 5 1 Houselessness, by definition, is quite clear. No house, no home. Afīordable housing is a moving target. Ihe primary housing needs recognized by housing providers are emergency, transitional, long-term or permanent housing and access to affordable housing options. Recognizing the complexities, recommendations for OHA collaborations include, but obviously not limited to the Hawai'i Puhlie Housing Authority, Hawai'i Housing Finance & Development Corporation, Hawai'i Housing Allianee, Homeless Services Agencies/Programs of the Hawai'i State Department of Human Services. Include civic clubs and other cultural organizations to expand the range of services or work in conjunction with existing Native Hawaiian organizations. Ihese are but a few suggestions. Mahalo for the opportunity to share my mana'o. I ask for your vote. Aloha and Mālama for now. ■