Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 August 2022 — Kaleihikina Akaka [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Kaleihikina Akaka

Age | 39 Occupation | OHA O'ahu Trustee Where did you grow up | Kona, Hawai'i and Honolulu, O'ahu Schooling | Chaminade University Current residence | Honolulu, O'ahu \A/ohcifQ I \A#\Af\A/ ehale COITl

1 1 I am honored to serve as OHA O'ahu Trustee and as OHA's chair of the committee on Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment, focusing on OHA's legislative and advocacy efforts, matters relating to our mission and Mana i Mauli Ola Strategic Plan, health, education, housing, eeonomie stability, human services, land use, environment, natural resources and more. My work for our people includes my legislative background, working at the Hawai'i State Legislature in both the House and Senate as a legislative aide and legislative researcher. My work included support to legislators, conducting bill research, attending and preparing for legislative committee hearings for the State Senate Judiciary and Government Operations Committee and

State Senate Higher Education Committee, reviewing testimonies, briefing and advising legislators on amendments on bills currently in the committees, and working on the judiciary and attorney general budget. Serving as a member of the 'Ōhi'a Foundation, a hui of young Hawai'i leaders with mentorship by established Hawai'i leaders, those who've served in puhlie ofSce, including Gov. John Waihe'e and my grandfather, US Sen. Daniel Akaka, who served as the foundation's inspiration, incorporating his philosophy of Native Hawaiian values in leadership. Reading for children in schools and programs through Ohanaioo, promoting literacy amongst keiki. Serving in Ihe Daniel Kahikina Akaka Family Foundation events committee to strengthen the community through education, leadership and collaboration in the spirit of aloha. 2 | Localicious Hawai'i is a program I worked on at the Hawai'i Agricultural Foundation to expand and further develop this puhlie awareness marketing campaign that brings educational opportunities for Hawai'i puhlie school students to learn where food comes from and of the agricultural opportunities and value of these professions from being a farmer, rancher, fisherman to being a chef. Recognizing the restaurants and businesses that support Hawai'i's agricultural and fishing industries while helping to raise funds for agricultural education statewide, inspiring students to pursue further education and professions in agriculture and the food industry, working with the goal of sustainability of our Hawaiian Islands. 3 1 Upon my 2018 election into OHA, working together with OHA Trustee John Waihe'e IV as he served as OHA chair of the committee on Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment and I, as the BAE committee vice chair. We fervently advocated at the State Legislature and federally, of our OHA priorities, the Puhlie Land Trust legislation as a top priority, along with Kaka'ako Makai, secured meetings with legislators, building and strengthening relationships, attended hearings, working with OHA administration. Following the 2020 election, my OHA co-trustees voted me as the OHA Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment committee chair. Working steadfastly, side by side with OHA Board Chair Hulu Lindsey, CEO, and administration, continuing the relationship building and strengthening at the State Legislature, federally, within the Hawaiian communities, collaborating most notably towards the historic and monumental passing of the Puhlie Land Trust legislation to raise annual revenue payments to OHA from $15.1 million to $21.5 million, provide an additional sum of $64 million, and form a working group to continue the discussion of OHA receiving its share of the ceded lands revenues from the state. 4 1 Collaboration with our Hawaiian communities, DHHL, ali'i trusts, counties, state and federal government. Ihe key is collaborating for our community. Working together with puhlie and private entities that share the same spirit of improving the lives of our Hawaiian people, whieh in turn, helps our Hawai'i community as a whole. 5 | Further collaboration with our Hawaiian communities, DHHL, ali'i trusts, counties, state and federal government. Partnerships that work jointly towards more options and opportunities to benefit our Hawaiian people to not just live, but thrive forward to a sustainable way of life. ■