Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 August 2022 — Mililani B. Trask [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mililani B. Trask
Age | 71 Occupation | Attorney at Law, OHA Trustee Hawai'i lsland Where did you grow up | Kāne'ohe, O'ahu and Hāna, Maui Schooling | Kamehameha Schools, SanJose State/BA, Santa Clara Law School,JD Current residence | 'Ōla'a, Hawai'i Website | n/a
1 1 1 have served the lāhui my whole life. I have been a member of the Hawaiian civic clubs and the KS Alumni Association. I created Ka Lāhui Hawai'i and served as its kia aina for eight years. I was also a member of the PKO, Ho ala Kānāwai, Nā Koa Ikaika Ka Lāhui Hawai'i (United Nations) and as the Paeihe regional representative UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York. I was recently elected by six of eight OHA trustees to fill the Hawai'i Island vacancy on their Board of Trustees. 2 | I am currently working on the Kōkua Kumukahi project on Hawai'i Island. We (my nonprofit Pono Kaulike, ine.) are in a partnership with the Men of Pa'a (Puna Hawai'i Recovery program for Hawaiians returning from prison) to protect, elean up,
restore, preserve and protect Cape Kumukahi a sacred wahi pana on Hawai'i Island. Many involved are lineal descendants with iwi kūpuna buried at the site whieh is a leina. Funding was provided by the Spirits Aligned Program funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. UH has the land but refuses to protect and preserve it. We are dedicated to getting the Burial Treatment Plan implemented and a preservation plan adopted and implemented. We will persevere. 3 | It took 22 years to elucidate the UNDRIP - setting forth the standards to protect Indigenous peoples human rights. Ihat was achieved in 2007. Since that time, I have eontinued to work with the Indigenous experts and diplomats to integrate the UNDRIP into the UN agencies and bodies operational policies and standards with Indigenous peoples. Best examples are those being used by UNESCO, FAO, and UNPFII. Ihe USA under Ohama endorsed the UNDRIP and since that time various US agencies and bodies including DoD have had to engage in "consultation" as well as "corrective measures" whieh implement the UNDRIP provisions through policies of government and the UN Bodies. As part of the OHA ceded land PIG [Permitted Interaction Group] I am now drafting policies I will propose to OHA BOT for the protection of the ceded land trust. 4 | OHA needs to take a bifurcated approach. A. Work with Hawaiian beneficiaries to: 1) support, fund and facilitate community based eeonomie efforts and Hawaiian small businesses and 2) create commercial spaces and places for Hawaiian entrepreneurs to operate their businesses. B. Work with county, state and federal folks to establish eeonomie training and business opportunities and funding sources for business training as well as marketing opportunities. C. Manage and develop a "Made in Hawai'i by Hawaiians" brand for real Hawaiian business in Hawai'i and the US that is geared to inform consumers as well as showcase Hawai-ian-made art, clothing, edibles, and products for consumers. Help our businesses market more of their goods to markets in Hawai'i and globally. 5 | OHA should undertake a project to assess whieh housing models and products meet the needs of Hawaiians living in Hawai'i. These pre-cut units are available on most islands, are appropriate for our tropical weather and ean integrate solar and water catchment for energy and food sustainability. I strongly suggest OHA work with Elon Musk who has designed the "Boxable" unit, easy to ship, expandable and affordable (but needs catchment and solar components). ■