Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2022 — Caleb K. Nazara [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Caleb K. Nazara
Age | 50 Occupation | Minister/Educator/Musician Where did you grow up | Kealakekua, Hawai'i Schooling | Hawai'i Community College/UH Mānoa Current residence | Kealakekua, Hawai'i Website | n/a
1 1 I would attempt to stop the sale and resale of property (homes, condos, land) to outside interests that do not live in and eall Hawai'i home. Require 1015 year live-in law before being able to sell. Set fixed rental rates and provide tax breaks and incentives for those that choose to participate in the program. Trim the fat from all government higher-up salaries. It's time for leaders to prove they truly care about the citizens they elaim to serve. Cut their salaries and put them on an hourly wage. Give the cost-of-living increases to the citizens instead of government. No lifetime Senate or representative terms. One maybe two four-year terms and that's it. Let's see them produce for society and see how they handle its struggles
and let others govern for a while. 2 1 Stop building new hotels and resorts! We have enough just manage it better. More make sense tax incentives for small farming. Dairy, fruit, veggie, etc., farms for locals to produce for our own communities and state. Cut dependency on shipping in what we are smart enough to produce. Talked about for years but no one does anything. What's wrong with that picture? Why does our state through DLNR shoot wild cattle, etc. and leave it to rot instead of using our loeal hunters and providing access to the meat for families? Wasteful use of taxpayer money. 3 | If we have to question providing Hawaiian education in Hawai'i in 2022, we are lower than a pregnant ant! Maybe replace DOE and BOE completely. You have to be to highly educated to not see the simplicity of education in BOTH American and Hawaiian studies. The attitude of oppression still exists and that ean change through government if they live according to their political jargon that is used to win votes. It should be enforced through all schools and the state should be looking to financially assist in creating necessary space for it. Kamehameha Schools and OHA ean help also. Don't they have some money? ■ 1. 3. 2. 4.