Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2022 — Clyde McClain (Mac) Lewman [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Clyde McClain (Mac) Lewman

Age | 75 Occupation | Semi Retired - Flooring Brooker Where did you grow up | Eugene, Oregon Schooling | University of Oregon BS Psychology Current residence | Honolulu, O'ahu Website | mac808.com

1 1 All Hawai'i state-owned land along with Kamehameha lands to be managed by the state and leased at a low rate for farmland and home building. The state to subsidize 30-, 50-, 100- or 200-year low interest rate mortgages. Explore well designed and managed homeless and non-homeless eommunity structured campgrounds for long-term residences. Begin a tourist environmental impact fee with proceeds going to cleaning up the islands by offering this work to the homeless and others. Periodic neighborhood cleanups as well. A elean car, house and community improves everyones attitude and increases tourism and tourism responsibility. The state to offer monthly or weekly international "Solution Conferences" that would be attractive to most all

countries whose representatives would most likely bring their entourages and families. Because we are Hawai'i. And ask for donations or charge a relatively high fee to attend. 2 1 Implement a state-assisted private property food-box program with state assistance for developing, planting, harvesting, processing and distributing. Wherever practicable, convert grass yards to garden spaces. Develop a state website showing the best crops to plant in different areas. Increase community gardening areas for non-homeowners. Plant two fruit trees per private property and in puhlie spaces. The state budget allows one-third of 1% for agriculture. Needs to increase. Food is freedom! 3 | Begin a Hawaiian language immersion program by having Hawaiian language experts holding assemblies onee per month and alternating schools daily. To include talk story and singing using song sheets written in English and Hawaiian. Songs could be sung to begin or end classes and teachers could greet and say goodbye using Hawaiian phrases with student responses in Hawaiian. Have a Hawaiian word or phrase-of-the-day on the blackboard of every class to be written down five times in a personal Hawaiian word and phrase notebook at the beginning of eaeh class. ■ 1. 3- ^9 2.^9 4.^9