Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 August 2022 — David L. (Duke) Bourgoin [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
David L. (Duke) Bourgoin
Age | did not answer Occupation | Business Consultant, anel Small Business Owner Where did you grow up | Newjersey Schooling | UH, UCLA, USD, St, Peters Current residence | Mānoa, O'ahu Website | www.duke4gov.com
1 1 Home prices in Hawai'i are beyond the reach of loeal residents. Federal and state subsidies ean assist with building, selling, and renting housing at an affordable price. My Saddle Road Hawaiian Project envisions half-acre lots with agriculture eommon ground, offered with reduced government building laws to allow a more simple and affordable home, and with possible Army assistance with engineering and some construction. duke4gov.com further discusses housing with greenverdefarms.com ideas for group housing and organic agriculture. 2 | A diversified economy is part of my MAKE HAWAI'I SAFE platform where tourism declines naturally, while govt/
bus promotes import substitution developing loeal businesses using loeal labor, for agriculture and its product enhancement, energy through solar receptor development, production and use, and other products as bicycles, natural cleaning products, natural farm and lawn enhancers, and coordination of youth with government and corporate participants with tech development and deployment. 3 1 Hawaiian language immersion should be reinforced in our puhlie schools by funding more schools and teachers to offer this education. Further, to significantly increase the number of puhlie schools offering Hawaiian we ean offer an area collaboration program where students interested in Hawaiian language ean join together for learning, teaching, practical use, application, with an extended Hawaiian cultural community for support and emergence. ■ 1. 3- ^3 2.^^ 4.^3