Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2022 — Fond Memories [ARTICLE]
Fond Memories
"Colette reincorporated 'ke kua'āina' into the vocabulary of our Aloha 'Āina movement. She created pathways for future generations to learn from their 'aumakua, our nature deities, kūpuna and cultural practitioners to develop the skills to protect the 'āina and kai and 'to take care of the land so the land would take care of us.' She had unconditional aloha. She did her homework, lived her politics, and ran meetings with a tita-like leadership - with the ability to explain and argue for the best results. We appreciate and mahalo her always. Ke aloha kūpa'a o ka 'āina." - Dr. Noa Emmett Aluli, family physician, Moloka'i Family Health Center "Colette responded to the needs of Moloka'i and Lāna'i finding funds to support Alea'ula School, the Kualapu'u Charter School, the Moloka'i Land Trust, dialysis for Kalaupapa, expansion of Moloka'i General Hospital, and the Lāna'i Culture and Heritage Center. When she observed a Moloka'i family living houseless on Maui, she personally arranged for their travel home and helped set them up in a shelter. I am thankful we had a staunch and prayerful warrior as our leader. Her love for Myron, her family, her island home, and for God and all of His creations leaves an indelible imprint." - Stacy Helm Crivello, former Courity Council member, Moloka'i "I ean still hear Aunty Colette driving up to my house and beeping her horn saying, 'Gayla Ann, eome riding with me down the wharf.' She would take me to the wharf, up Ho'olehua, and circle around town three or four times just to talk story with me. Being in her company made me feel happy. Aunty always said, "I love my family." And she did. She did everything spiritual and cultural for our family. Yes, she advocated for our people, but she also was the bind keeping our family together. She will be greatly missed." - Gayla Ann Haliniak, nieee "'Eh Kev...' is how she usually started a sentence when she called. Colette never minced words - was more direct than most of humanity and didn't seem to fear anyone. She could walk into any room with a baseball eap, mu'umu'u and slippers and dominate. She was rough and tumble. She was bullheaded. She is a legend. People have stories about her that she doesn't know and never told herself. One story is about her big heart. Another is about the great tears she shed. Another makes it sound as if she were the Bobby Knight of Moloka'i. Another might be about her sound administrative ability as the chair of OHA. Rest in peaee my friend." - Kevin Chang, executive director, KUA "She had the fire and passion to advocate for Native Hawaiians and protect our island home - a true warrior. She was able to confront issues in a way that didn't threaten people, but they understood she meant business. She always spoke from her heart and when she spoke publicly, she was able to connect with people on an emotional level." - Carol Hoomanawanui, administrative assistant to Colette at OHA "Colette was one of my great heroes. Her entire adult life was about public service, advocating for Moloka'i and all Hawai'i and all Hawaiians. Her arena was public meetings, advocating for the land and people she loved. Together we created Moloka'i Land Trust and she was the £irst president. After a while she was needed more as the chair of OHA and became our emmeritus board chair. Her legacies will live on." - Rikki Cooke, photographer and co-founder of Moloka'i Land Trust "Colette will always be in my mind's eye. Her initial 'tough tita' persona was only because she lived by her principles, and she wanted to find out who you were. Onee she knew you, there is nothing she would not do to help you. She was a warrior when it eame to her culture. She broke the barrier with US foundations and American Indian leadership and brought them into her sphere of action and activity. Our lives have been so blessed to have shared space during these many years. A hui hou." - Hardy Spoehr, former executive director of Papa Ola Lōkahi