Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2022 — E Ho'omaika'i e nā Kupa o Miloli'i! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
E Ho'omaika'i e nā Kupa o Miloli'i!
Wilh a unanimous vote at a hearina on lune 9, the Board of Land and Natural Resources decided to adopt proposed Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) rules to he shepherded hy the community organization, Kalanihale, on hehalf of the Fishing Village of AAiloli'i on Hawai'i island. The puhlie process for AAiloli'i leading up to adoption drew strong community interest and support wilh more ihan 150 people attending in-person or virtually induding three generations of lawai'a families. "This is ahoul the lawai'a of AAiloli'i self-managing their harvests and caring for their marine resources. Pursuing CBSFA designation is a reclamalion of whal was old, made relevant for today - codifying traditional and customary practices inlo new fishing rules, and promoting lawai'a pono (responsible fishing)," said community representative U'ilani Naipo. - Photo: Kaimi Kaupiko